Media Resources (Guide)
Access to documents and reports of interest to the press.NEWS CENTRE
Covers breaking news around the UN system and gives quick access to a range of news-related products and resources.UN MEETING COVERAGE AND PRESS RELEASES
Produces backgrounders, summaries of official meetings held at Headquarters, coverage of overseas conferences and other essential materials for the media.Lists all scheduled events at UN Headquarters in New York, such as which meetings are held, when and where, topics discussed and reference to related documents and statements.
Produces individual news, feature stories, magazine programmes and special series; makes available live and recorded audio from meetings and events.
Offers selected live programming of UN meetings and events, as well as pre-recorded video features and documentaries on various global issues. The UN Web TV Channel is available 24 hours a day:
UNTV provides live daily feeds of meetings, conferences and special events at UN Headquarters in New York and around the world - and Transmission Guide. The AV Library provides current footage and access to audiovisual archives from the history of the Organization.
Broadcast quality files are available by sending a request to avlibrary@un.org
Documents the daily work of the UN, in the field around the world as well as from its Headquarters. High-resolution images, including historical photos, are downloadable from its website.
To request photos send email to photolibrary@un.org
Offers broadcast-quality video from throughout the UN system to enable news providers to cover important global issues.
Provides access to publications, journals, data, and series published by the UN Secretariat, and its funds and programs.
Allows media professionals to follow various official UN social media accounts.A search engine that pools together official press releases from all UN Member States.
Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General
Provides information to the media on the activities of the UN system as a whole through daily briefings, direct responses to media enquiries, press conferences, background briefings and interviews with the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and other senior officials.
Press Island
Media clearance for the use of Press Island (1st Ave. between 45th & 46th St.) including vehicles, is done through the?NYPD: Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Public Information (DCPI), at dcpi@nypd.org or 646-610-6700.