

Global Symposium on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions

Energy, water and sanitation are some of the most cross-cutting and deeply embedded factors affecting the daily lives of people all over the world. These factors are essential to achieve poverty eradication, social wellbeing, economic growth and global prosperity. Important challenges related to water and energy are faced by many countries in their efforts to achieve sustainable development. Also, water and energy are strongly interlinked to environmental issues including climate change, terrestrial and water ecosystems, and biodiversity. The importance of energy and water is recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which includes the Sustainable Development Goals 6 on water and 7 on energy. SDG 6 calls for ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all and SDG 7 calls for ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.

The main objective of this global symposium is to enhance the capacities of relevant stakeholders including governmental institutions to effectively manage the water-energy nexus and interlinkages with other SDGs covering the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The event will provide a global platform for all stakeholders to disseminate knowledge, exchange experiences and showcase best practices on integrated approaches that support sustainable water and energy solutions. It will also represent an opportunity for dialogue on effective policy, and technical and managerial approaches to water and energy supporting sustainable development. It is expected that the discussions and outcomes of this Global Symposium will set the ground for the development of the First World Report on the Status and Trends of Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions.



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Event Programme




DAY 1: 13 June 2022

Venue: Cineteatro Barrageiro- Brazilian side, Itaipu

*All information in day one regards current local time in Brazil ¨C Bras¨ªlia Time (UTV/GMT -3 hours)

Registration: (8:00-9:00)

Session 1: Opening Session (9:00 ¨C 9:40)

Introductions: Master of Ceremony

  • Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General, UN DESA (Video)
  • Mr. Manuel Maria C¨¢ceres, Director General Paraguay, Itaipu Binacional
  • Mr. Andr¨¦ Pepitone da N¨®brega, Director of Finance, Itaipu Binacional
  • Ms. Paloma Mart¨ªn Mart¨ªn, President, Canal de Isabel II, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
  • Ms. Helena Felip, Ambassador, General Director of Multilateral Policy and Coordinator of the SDG Commission, Paraguay
  • Video Presentation: Itaipu Binacional and its Sustainable Development ¨C Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Partnership and Network (TBC)

(English audio, translations to Portuguese and Spanish by the interpreter, 5-8 minutes)

Coffee Break (09:40-10:00)

Session 2: Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions & Energy Case Studies (10:00 ¨C 13:00)

Moderator: Mr. Minoru Takada, Team Leader, Sustainable Energy, UNDESA

This session addresses the water-energy nexus from the perspective of energy solutions. The session starts with presentations by global and regional organizations describing energy-water nexus issues, challenges and the need for sustainable solutions based on renewable energy at the global and regional levels. Case studies will then be presented by national/regional organizations and country representatives.

  • Mr. Eddie Rich, CEO, IHA (virtual) Presentation
  • Mr. Ricardo Gorini, Senior Programme Officer, IRENA (virtual)
  • Mr. Guillermo Koutodjian, Acting Director of Integration, Access and Energy Security, Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) Presentation
  • Mr. David Krug, Technical Director, Itaipu Binacional Presentation

Coffee Break (11:00 ¨C 11:15)

  • Mr. Igor Souza Ribeiro, General Coordinator of Electrical System Performance Monitoring, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil (virtual) Presentation
  • Gustavo Cazal, Director of Alternative Energies, Vice-Minister of Mines and Energy, Paraguay (TBC Itaipu)
  • Mr. Paulo Emilio Valad?o de Miranda, President of Brazilian Hydrogen Association, Brazil (virtual) Presentation
  • Mr. Federico Valles Figueras, Electric Energy Manager, Canal de Isabel II, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain Presentation
  • Ms. Doris Edem Valles Figueras, Energy Analyst, Energy Comission, Ghana. Presentation
  • Mr. Ricardo Narvaez, Technical Sub-Director, Geological & Energy Research Institute (IIGE), Ecuador Presentation
  • Mr. Satish Gautam, Thematic Advisor, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, AEPC, Nepal Presentation
  • Ms. Syham Bentouati, Managing Director, NAFAS International, Oman Presentation
  • Ms. Hazir Farouk Abdelraheem Elhaj, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan Presentation
  • Mr. Sohel Ahmed, Managing Director, Grameen Shakti, Bangladesh

13:00 ¨C 15:00 Lunch & Side Events

Session 3: Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions & Water Case Studies (15:00 ¨C 18:00)

Moderator: Ms . Maria del Carmen Tejera Gimeno, General Secretary, CANAL de Isabel II, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain

This session addresses the water energy nexus from the perspective of water solutions. The session starts with presentations by global and regional organizations describing energy-water nexus issues, challenges and the need for sustainable solutions based on modelling and integrated approaches and systems at the global and regional levels. Case studies will then be presented by national/regional organizations and country representatives.

  • Ms. Rayen Quiroga, Chief Water and Energy Unit, ECLAC (virtual) Presentation
  • Ms. Radia Sedaoui, Chief Energy Section, ESCWA Presentation
  • Mr. Peter Burek, Research Scholar, IIASA Presentation
  • Mr. Miguel Doria. Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme, UNESCO Office of Science for Latin America and the Caribbean (virtual)
  • Ms. Paloma Mart¨ªn Mart¨ªn, President, Canal de Isabel II, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain Presentation
  • Mr. Maur¨ªcio Abijaodi. Director of Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA), Brazil
  • Mr. Mohamed Thameur Chaibi, Research Director, National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry (INRGREF), Tunisia Presentation

Coffee Break (16:30 ¨C 16:45)

  • Mr. Sanoi Boyzoda, Representative of Tajikistan to the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS)
  • Mr. Mohamed Hosni Ghedira, Director, Masdar Institute, UAE Presentation
  • Mr. Anshuman, Associate Director, TERI, India Presentation
  • Mr. Hugo Ruiz, Director of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Public Works and Communications Ministry, Paraguay Presentation
  • Mr. Claudio Stabile, CEO, Paran¨¢ Sanitation Company (SANEPAR) (virtual)
  • Mr. Ariel Scheffer, Head of Environmental Management, Itaipu Binacional, Brazil Presentation
  • Mr. Carlos Flores, Head of Environmental Management, Itaipu Binacional, Paraguay (TBC)

DAY 2: 14 June 2022

Venue: Itaipu Binational Visitor Reception Center - Paraguayan side, Itaipu

*All information in day two regards current local time in Paraguay ¨C Asuncion (UTV/GMT -4 hours)

7:30 ¨C 9:00 Side Events

Session 4: Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions ¨C Environmental Interlinkages

Climate Change (9:00 ¨C 10:30)

Moderator: Ms. Edmilce Ugarte, UN Environment ¨C Paraguay

This session addresses the interlinkage of water and energy with climate change and the policies and measures being implemented on climate change mitigation and adaptation. The session includes presentations by international organizations and national/regional organizations and country representatives.

  • Mr. Gajanana Hegde, Team Leader, Energy, Regulatory Framework Implementation Unit Mitigation Programme, UNFCCC Presentation
  • Mr. Juli¨¢n B¨¢ez, Director, Regional Office for the Americas, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (virtual) Presentation
  • Mr. Peter Burek, Research Scholar, IIASA Presentation
  • Mr. Pascual Fern¨¢ndez, CEO, Canal de Isabel II, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain Presentation
  • Ms. Nora Pa¨¦z, Head of the Adaptation Department, Direction of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Paraguay (TBC) (virtual)
  • Mrs. Maria de Lourdes Nunes, Botic¨¢rio Group Foundation, Brazil (virtual) Presentation
  • Mr. Alex Guerra, Director of the Climate Change Research Institute, ICC, Guatemala. Presentation
  • Mr. Nadjib Drouiche, General Director, l¡¯Agence Nationale de Valorisation des R¨¦sultats de la Recherche et du D¨¦veloppement Technologique (ANVREDET), Algeria (virtual) Presentation

Coffee Break (10:30 ¨C 10:45)

Session 5: Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions ¨C Water and Energy Transboundary Cooperation and Environmental Interlinkages

(10:45 -13:00)

Moderator: Ms. Maria Antonia Gwynn (Itaipu Binacional)

This session addresses water and energy transboundary cooperation, biodiversity and terrestrial and water ecosystems. The session includes presentations by international organizations and by regional/national organizations and country representatives.

  • Mr. Carlos Zald¨ªvar, Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy, Paraguay
  • Mr. Tom Howes, Head of Energy and Environmental Division, International Energy Agency (IEA) (virtual)
  • Jose Toron, Regional Programme Officer, Latin America and Caribbean, IRENA (virtual)
  • Mr. Mossamba Thioye, Manager Regulatory Framework Implementation. Project Executive UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC (virtual) Presentation
  • Ms. Lucia de Strasser, Environmental Affairs Officer, UNECE Presentation
  • Mr. Luis Carlos Garc¨ªa. Director for La Plata Basin and Navigation. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paraguay Presentation
  • Ms.Mara Tignino, Faculty of Law and Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland (virtual)
  • Mr. Gabriel Eckstein, Director Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources System Law Program, Texas A&M University, USA (virtual)
  • Mr. Clayton Lino. Biosphere Reserves and Transboundary Issues. Biodiversity ¨C MAB program, UNESCO (virtual)
  • Ms. Bianca Brasil, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (virtual)
  • Mr. Diego Jara, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (virtual)
  • Ms. Cristina Cano, Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact, Paraguay

13:00 ¨C 15:00 Lunch & Side Events

Session 6: Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions ¨C Social Interlinkages


Moderator: Mr. Izael Pereira Da Silva, Strathmore University, Kenya

This session addresses the interlinkage of water and energy with social issues including poverty, food security, health, education, gender, inclusiveness, equity, peace, etc. The session includes presentations by international and by national/regional organizations and country representatives.

  • Mr. Jippe Hoogeveen, Senior Land and Water Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (virtual) Presentation
  • Ms. Mar¨ªa Hayde¨¦ Jim¨¦nez, Senior Regional Manager Latin America and the Caribbean, World Energy Council (WEC) (virtual)
  • Ms. Radia Sedaoui, Chief Energy Section, ESCWA Presentation
  • Mr. Wilson Nobre. Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Brazil
  • Ms. Joyce Najm Mendez. Latin American and Caribbean Regional Focal Point of the SDG7 Youth Constituency
  • Mr. Samson Tsegaye, Director, Solar Energy Foundation, Ethiopia Presentation
  • Mr. Miguel Fernandez, Executive Director, ENERGETICA, Bolivia Presentation

Coffee Break (16:15- 16:30)

Session 7: Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions ¨C Economic Interlinkages


Moderator: Ms. Helena Felip, Ambassador, General Director of Multilateral Policy and Coordinator of the SDG Commission, Paraguay

This session addresses the interlinkage of water and energy with economic development including infrastructure, jobs, regional sustainable development, etc. The session includes presentations by international organizations and by national/regional organizations and country representatives.

  • Mr. Ricardo Gorini, Senior Programme Officer, IRENA (virtual) Presentation
  • Ms. Rayen Quiroga, Chief Water and Energy Unit, ECLAC (virtual)
  • Ms. Betina Barbosa, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Brazil. (virtual)
  • Mr. Izael Pereira Da Silva, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Strathmore University, Kenya Presentation
  • Mr. Gustavo Paredes, International Adviser, ASAZGUA, Guatemala Presentation
  • Mr. Sherzad Ali Khan, Regional Coordinator, Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Pakistan Presentation
  • Ms. Jade Angngalao, Energy Access Specialist, Hydro Empowerment Network (HPNET), the Philippines Presentation
  • Ms. Renata Camargo, Legal and Sustainability Advisor, UNICA, Brazil Presentation
  • Mr. Eduardo Allende, Governance Officer, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Paraguay. Presentation

Session 8: Way Forward and Closing (18:15-18:45)

Moderator: Mr. Minoru Takada, Team Leader, Sustainable Energy, UNDESA

This session presents the conference summary emphasizing the way forward in terms of recommendations and priority actions for the future. Representatives from the host countries will provide closing remarks.

Symposium Summary and Way Forward

  • Mr. Martin Niemetz, Sustainable Development Expert, UNDESA


  • Mr. Luiz Felipe Carbonell, Brazilian Coordination Director, ITAIPU Binacional
  • Mr. Gustavo Ovelar, Paraguayan Coordination Director, ITAIPU Binacional
  • Mr. Minoru Takada, Team Leader, Sustainable Energy, UNDESA

Closing Ceremony (19:00-20:30)

DAY 3: 15 June 2022

Field Trips (Itaipu, Brazil/Paraguay)

Field Trips will be organized by Itaipu and may include the following:


  • Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant (Binational tour)
  • RBV e Nurseries and medicinal plants
  • Renewable Energy/Biogas Unit


  • Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant (Binational tour)
  • Itabo Natural Reserve

Media Contacts

Mr. Kuba Wesolinski, UN DESA, wesolinski@un.org
Mr. Romeu Rufino De Bruns Neto, ITAIPU Brazil, ROMEU@itaipu.gov.br
Mrs. Graciela Parini, ITAIPU Paraguay, parinigi@itaipu.gov.py









Side Events

Side events are organized on the margins of the Conference in both virtual and in-person formats and are related to its theme: ¡°Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions¡±. Please find below a full programme of official side events:

Date and Time





Concept Note / Agenda


13 June, 13:00 ¨C 15:00 EST

Itaipu Binancional

Seguran?a H¨ªdrica e Gest?o De Bacia Hidrogr¨¢fica | Seguridad H¨ªdrica y Gesti¨®n de Cuencas Hidrogr¨¢ficas


In-person only


To be provided

14 June, 13:00 ¨C 15:00 EST

Itaipu Binancional

Energias Renov¨¢veis e o Desenvolvimento Econ?mico Sustent¨¢vel | Energ¨ªas Renovables y desarrollo econ¨®mico sostenible


In-person only


To be provided

14 June, 7:30 ¨C 9:00 EST

Itaipu Binancional

Biodiversidade: Dois Pa¨ªses, Uma empresa |


In-person only


To be provided

14 June, 13:00 ¨C 15:00 EST

Afritech Global Limited

Access to Voucher for Reduction of Energy Consumption in Africa


Virtual (see info below)


To be provided

Zoom link:

- Meeting ID: 811 3209 6179

- Passcode: A4SS0n

On 14 June 2022 from 10:00am to 11:30am (Central African Time) a side event on Access to Voucher for reduction of Water and Energy Consumption will be held in Brazil/Paraguay. This side event will showcase participating companies who will present and discuss their commitments and to explain how these commitments support transformative pathways on energy and water and scaled-up actions supporting climate change objectives.

The objective of this capacity building event is to provide a space for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experience related to reduction of water and energy consumption through voucher as important in climate change adaptation. The event will allow information exchange, and participants will have the opportunity to learn and discuss the synergies that can be realized when integrated approaches are implemented.

Responsibility of side event organizers

The United Nations does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information provided through the side events. The Conference Secretariat reserves the right to delete any content/input that is not aligned with the United Nations Charter and/or the principles and purposes of the First Global Symposium on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions.