UNFF19 Outcome Documents
- ECOSOC Resolution on UNFF19 (E/RES/2024/15) [ | | | | | ]
- UNFF19 report (E/2024/42): Includes the Declaration of the High-Level Segment, Omnibus resolution & 2025-2028 Programme of Work [ | | | | | ]
UNFF19 Session Documents
- UNFF19 Organization of Work
- UNFF19 Side Events Schedule
- UNFF19 Information Note for Participants
- UNFF19 Social Media Advisory |
- UNFF19 eStatements:
| | | - UNFF19 Panel: Valuing Forest Ecosystems
- UNFF19 High Level Segment Roundtable: Forest-based solutions to the triple planetary crises
- UNFF19 High Level Segment Dialogue: CPF Heads and UNFF partners
- UNFF19 Bureau members and minutes
- UNFF19 Bureau input to
- UNFF18/19 Thematic Priorities
- Background analytical studies and Policy Briefs
UNFF19 Pre-session documents
- E/CN.18/2024/1 | Provisional agenda and annotations of the nineteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2024/2 | Note by the Secretariat on the policy discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: activities in support of the thematic priorities for the biennium 2023–2024 [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2024/3 | Note by the Secretariat on the policy discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: means of implementation, including operations and resources of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2024/4 | Note by the Secretariat on the policy discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: monitoring, assessment and reporting [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2024/5 | Note by the Secretariat on the midterm review in 2024 of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests in achieving its objectives and the quadrennial programme of work of the United Nations Forum on Forests for 2025–2028 [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2024/6 | Note by the Secretariat on the high-level segment of the United Nations Forum on Forests at its nineteenth session, including a forest partnership forum with the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, non-governmental organizations and private sector chief executive officers [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2024/7 | Note by the Secretariat on the trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2024/8 | Letter dated 15 December 2023 from the Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (India CLI report) [ | | | | | ]
- Report of the Major Groups-Led Initiative in Support of the United Nations Forum on Forests, Nairobi, March 2024 [Advanced unedited version]
UNFF18 Outcome Documents
- E/CN.18/2023/8 |
- E/CN.18/2023/L.1 | Draft provisional agenda of the nineteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2023/L.2 | Proposed dates and venue of the nineteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests
[ | | | | | ]
UNFF18 Official Documents
- E/CN.18/2023/1 | Provisional Agenda and Annotations
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2023/2 | Technical discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: activities in support of the thematic priorities for the biennium 2022-2023: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2023/3 | Contributions of and enhanced cooperation with partners to achieving the thematic priorities for the biennium 2022–2023: Note by the Secretariat
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2023/4 | Means of implementation, including operations and resources of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network: Note by the Secretariat
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2023/5 | Monitoring, assessment and reporting: Note by the Secretariat
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2023/6 | Update on preparations for the midterm review in 2024 of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests in achieving its objectives: Note by the Secretariat
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2023/7 | Trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests: Note by the Secretariat
[ | | | | | ]
UNFF18 other session documents
- E-Statements: 8 May | , 9 May | , 10 May | , 11 May | , 12 May
- UNFF18 Provisional Organization of Work
- Input to the 2023 meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development:
- Concept Notes for UNFF18 Panel discussions:
– 9 May AM, UNFF18 panel with multilateral and regional funding institutions and banks, Item 3a and 3d
– 9 May 4:30-6 PM, UNFF18 panel on Private Sector, Item 3c (iii)
– 11 May 3-5 PM, UNFF18 panel on Forests, Energy, and Livelihoods, Item 5 - UNFF18 Information Note
- UNFF18 Side Events Schedule
UNFF18 Media resources
Intersessional Meetings
- January 2023: UNFF Expert Group Meeting on the UNFF’s contribution to the 2030 Agenda, Involvement of Regional/Subregional Entities, and Involvement of Major Group and Other Stakeholders, 11-13 January 2023, Bangkok | Concept Note | Co-Chairs’ Summary
- February 2023: Organization-Led Initiative on the Assessment of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (OLI)| 22-23 February 2023, Rome | Concept Note | Co-Chairs Summary
- March 2023: Global Workshop on Reporting on Progress towards the Global Forest Goals and Targets of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2030 | 22-24 March 2023, Rome | Amended format for reporting | Concept Note| Co-Chair’s Summary
- April 2023: Building on the nexus of forests, energy, and livelihoods to accelerate achievement of the SDGs: An event by the UNFF 18 Bureau | 4 April 2023, 10am-1pm, CR5, UNHQ, New York (Hybrid) – Concept Note | Issue Brief
UNFF17 Outcome Documents
- E/CN.18/2022/L.2 | Proposed dates and venue of the 18th session of the UN Forum on Forests
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2022/L.3 | Draft provisional agenda for the 18th session of the UN Forum on Forests
[ | | | | | ] - E/2022/42-E/CN.18/2022/8 |
- E/CN.18/2022/L.4 | Outcome of the seventeenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests: Draft resolution submitted by the Chair [ | | | | | ]
- UNFF input to the 2022 meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development: | []
UNFF17 other session documents
- UNFF17 Provisional organization of work
- UNFF17 High Level Round Table (9 May 2022):
– Concept Note
– Statements: Member States: Brazil | Cameroon | China | Colombia | Cote d’Ivoire | Greece | Honduras | India | Japan | Malaysia | Nicaragua | Peru | Philippines | Portugal | Romania | Russian Federation: Statement 1, Statement 2 | Slovak Republic | United States of America | European Union CPF: CITES | IUFRO Major Groups: Workers and Trade Unions - UNFF 16/17 Thematic Priorities
- UNFF17 Participant guide | New York Resource Guide for in-person participants
- UNFF17 Side Events Schedule
- UNFF17 Social Media Advisory
UNFF17: Official Documents
- E/CN.18/2022/1 | Provisional Agenda and Annotations
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2022/2 | Note by the Secretariat on policy discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: activities in support of the thematic priorities for the biennium 2021–2022
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2022/3 | Note by the Secretariat on means of implementation, including operations and resources of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2022/4 | Note by the Secretariat on monitoring, assessment and reporting: progress on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030, including the United Nations forest instrument, and voluntary national contributions
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2022/5 | Note by the Secretariat on preparations for the midterm review in 2024 of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests in achieving its objectives
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2022/6 | Note by the Secretariat on the trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2022/7 | Note by the Secretariat on challenges faced by countries, strategies adopted and recovery measures taken by countries to reduce the impact of the coronavirus disease pandemic on forests and the forest sector
[ | | | | | ]
Preparations for the midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests
- Questionnaire (2021): Preparations for the midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests | Deadline: 18 September 2021
- UNFF Expert Group Meeting on Preparations for the midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests, 17-18 November 2021 | Background Paper | Co-Chairs Summary of Key Actions in Preparations for the IAF Midterm Review
Forests and Global crises: Impacts of COVID-19 | Forest fires
Initial Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Forest Management (2021)
- Co-Chairs Summary of the UNFF Expert Group Meeting on the Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sustainable Forest Management
- African States
- Asia-Pacific States
- Canada and the USA
- Eastern European States
- Latin American and Caribbean States
- Western European and other States
- UNFF Expert Group meeting: Assessment of the Impacts of COVID-19 on Forests and the Forests Sector | 2-4 February 2022 (virtual) | Co-Chairs Summary
- Assessment reports (2022): Africa | Asia-Pacific | Eastern Europe | Latin America | North America | Western Europe and Other States
Policy Briefs
- Financing sustainable forest management: a key component of sustainable COVID-19 recovery [pdf]
- Forests: at the heart of a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic [pdf]
CPF contributions to UNFF16/17 thematic priorities
- CPF Strategic Vision towards 2030 [ | | ]
- CPF Policy Document: [English | | ]
- CPF joint statement on COVID-19 [ | | ]
- CPF Work Plan 2021-2024 Full Workplan | Summary version: English | |
- CPF Joint Statement on “”
Regions contributions to UNFF16/17 thematic priorities
- African Forest Forum (AFF) [pdf]
- Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) [pdf]
- Amazonian Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) [pdf]
- International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) [pdf]
- UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section [pdf]
- Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening the Engagement of the United Nations Forum on Forests with Regional Partners, Major Groups, and other Stakeholders (16-17 December 2021) EGM Concept Note | Meeting Report
Major Groups contributions to UNFF16/17 thematic priorities
- Progress in the Implementation of the UNSPF: Contribution of Major Groups to UNFF 16 & 17 Thematic Priorities [pdf]
- Other stakeholders – Brazilian Tree Industry (IBÁ) [pdf]
- Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening the Engagement of the United Nations Forum on Forests with Regional Partners, Major Groups, and other Stakeholders (16-17 December 2021) EGM Concept Note | Meeting Report
UNFF16 Outcome Documents
- E/CN.18/2021/8
- E/CN.18/2021/L.1 Provisional agenda for the seventeenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2021/L.2 Proposed dates and venue of the seventeenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2021/L.3 Programme of work of the United Nations Forum on Forests for the period 2022–2024 [ | | | | | ]
Archived videos on UN Web TV
- 26 April 2021:
- 27 April 2021:
- 28 April 2021:
- 29 April 2021:
Participants Guide, Modalities, Social Media and other information
- UNFF16 – Provisional Organization of Work
- UNFF16 Modalities
- UNFF 16/17 Thematic Priorities
- UNFF16 Participants Guide
- UNFF16 – Side Events Schedule
- Communication by the UNFF16 Bureau:
- UNFF16 Social Media content: is available on , including social media copy, digital cards, animations and more.
High Level Round-Table
- Concept Note: UNFF16 High Level Round Table
- Statements: Argentina | Australia | France | Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | Germany | Holy See | Honduras | Indonesia | Japan | Mozambique | The Philippines | Ukraine | UNCCD | IUFRO| Major Group Children and Youth
UNFF 16 Concept Notes for Panel Discussions
- Monday 26 April 2021:UNFF16 High Level Round Table
- Monday 26 April 2021:Launch of the Flagship Publication
- Tuesday 27 April 2021: Panel discussion on Items 3(a) and 3(d) of the UNFF16 Provisional Agenda
- Tuesday 27 April 2021: Panel discussion on Items 3(a) and 3(c) of the UNFF16 Provisional Agenda
UNFF 16 Official Documents
- E/CN.18/2021/1 | Provisional Agenda and Annotations [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2021/2 | Note by the Secretariat on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: thematic priorities for the biennium 2021–2022; contributions of members of the Forum; interlinkages between the global forest goals and the Sustainable Development Goals under review by the high-level political forum on sustainable development in 2021; implementation of the communication and outreach strategy [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2021/3 | Note by the Secretariat on Implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: Contributions of and enhanced cooperation with partners towards achieving the thematic priorities of the sixteenth and seventeenth sessions of the Forum [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2021/4 | Note by the Secretariat on means of implementation, including operations and resources of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2021/5 | Note by the Secretariat on Monitoring, assessment and reporting: progress on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030, including the United Nations forest instrument, and voluntary national contributions [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2021/6 | Note by the Secretariat on the Trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2021/7 | Note by the Secretariat on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on forests and the forest sector [ | | | | | ]
Forests and Global crises| Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and forest fires
Initial Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Forest Management
- Co-Chairs Summary of the UNFF Expert Group Meeting on the Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sustainable Forest Management [pdf]
- African States [pdf]
- Asia-Pacific States [pdf]
- Canada and the USA [pdf]
- Eastern European States [pdf]
- Latin American and Caribbean States [pdf]
- Western European and other States [pdf]
Policy Briefs
- Financing sustainable forest management: a key component of sustainable COVID-19 recovery [pdf]
- Forests: at the heart of a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic [pdf]
CPF | Intersessional activities & contributions to UNFF16 thematic priorities
- CPF Strategic Vision towards 2030 [ | | ]
- CPF Policy Document: [English | | ]
- CPF joint statement on COVID-19 [ | | ]
- CPF Work Plan 2021-2024 [Full Workplan | Summary version]
Major Groups | Intersessional activities & contributions to UNFF16 thematic priorities
- Progress in the Implementation of the UNSPF: Contribution of Major Groups to UNFF 16 & 17 Thematic Priorities [pdf]
- Other stakeholders – Brazilian Tree Industry (IBÁ) [pdf]
Regions | Intersessional activities & contributions to UNFF16 thematic priorities
Outcome documents
- Draft Provisional Agenda: 16th session of the UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2020/L.1 [ | | | | | ]
- Date and Venue: 16th session of the UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2020/L.2 [ | | | | | ]
Session documents
- E/CN.18/2020/1: Provisional Agenda and Annotations
[ | | | | | ] - E/CN.18/2020/2 | Implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2020/3 | Implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: activities of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests – Information Note [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2020/4 | Monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress towards implementing the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030 and the United Nations forest instrument: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2020/5 | Means of implementation for sustainable forest management: availability of resources for the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network and its priority actions and resource needs for the quadrennial programme of work for the period 2021–2024: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2020/6 | Implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030, including the contributions of the Forum’s regional and subregional partners and major groups, as well as involvement of its secretariat in major meetings: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2020/7 | Trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
- E/CN.18/2020/8 | Note verbale dated 20 May 2020 from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (submitting the report of the Major Groups-led Initiative on the theme “Cross-sectoral collaboration for inclusive forest landscapes”) [ | | | | | ]
Please contact the UNFF Secretariat to request documents from the previous sessions.