
Forest photographs

To promote forest and celebrating the beauty of forests the UN Forum on Forests organized an International Forest Photograph Contest. An international jury has select 15 semi-finalist and six finalists. The six finalists, you can seen their winning photo underneath, have been awarded at the United Nations Forum on Forests meeting.

International Forest Photograph Contest

The UNFF invited everyone, in every part of the world, to share photos that visually capture their relationship to forests by submitting photos to the International Forest Photograph Contest.

This is the first ever global initiative by the UNFFS to acknowledge and honour efforts to visually capture the significant, extraordinary and unique connection of people and forests. The highest number of entries have been submitted from Russia, Indonesia, Ukraine, Turkey and India.

Honourable mentions International Forest Photograph Contest

In alphabetical order:

  • Farming the forest by Lamphay Inthakoun, Lao
  • Forests are “honey” for traditional tribals by Aulia Erlangga, Indonesia
  • Hungry animals in winter by Muzaffer Ketmen, Turkey
  • Mangrove forest reforestation by Irwandi M. Gade, Indonesia
  • Once a playground and source of life by Budi Setiawan, Indonesia
  • Pine forest by Zulkarnaen Syri Lokesyware, Indonesia
  • Pray by Danang Sujati, Indonesia
  • What if this is the last tree? by Dwi Kristiyadi, Indonesia
  • Wood Man by Somenath Mukhopadhyay India

Special acknowledgements International Forest Photograph Contest

The jury would further like to provide special acknowledgements to:

  • Am I visible? by Ajay Chandwani, India
  • Beech avenue in autumn by Robert Clamp, United Kingdom
  • Collecting fodder by Sandesh Timilsina, Nepal
  • Northern Hawk Owl by Finella Pescott, Canada
  • Rubber farmers by Rahmat Rahim Nur, Indonesia
  • Walking alone by Ali Mustofa, Indonesia