UN Forest Instrument implementation in Ecuador
February 4, 2016
With the assistance of the UNFF Secretariat, Ecuador has started to lay the groundwork to develop a national action plan to implement the UN Forest Instrument (UNFI). Between 18 and 22 of January 2016 the Secretariat met with government officials and other key stakeholders in Quito to discuss the development of Ecuador’s national action plan for the UNFI.
UN Forest Instrument Implementation
National action plans (NAPs) to implement the UN Forest Instrument provide Member States with a framework to efficiently promote sustainable forest management. The UNFF Secretariat is assisting some pilot countries including Ecuador as part of a project on “Strengthening national capacities to develop national action plans to implement the UN Forest Instrument” funded by the UN Development Account, 9th Tranche.
During the January 2016 advisory mission, the UNFF Secretariat and the Forestry Department finalised an inclusive multi-stakeholder process for the NAP.  Consultations were held with the , the  , key stakeholders and potential partners to identify priority areas for Ecuador’s NAP. Key issues identified through a situation analysis study and during these consultations included implementation of ; improving timber processing efficiency; strengthening forest research, education and training; reducing erosion in watersheds; addressing illegal logging; strengthening and expanding the incentive programme; and establishing an institutional framework for cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder participation in sustainable forest management.
The next step in the UNFI implementation process for Ecuador is producing a draft NAP by a multi-stakeholder team to produce a National Action Plan.