Workshop on Accessing Financing for Sustainable Forest Management held in Fiji

This week, the UNFF Secretariat organized a formulation and validation workshop from 4 to 8 June 2018 in Nadi, for Fijiā€™s concept note to the Green Climate Fund on sustainable forest management. The meeting brought together 26 participants from the Ministry of Forests, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization and civil society, including the University of the South Pacific, Conservation International, Rainforest Foundation and Secretariat of the Pacific Community. The meeting was opened by Ms. Sanjana Lal, Conservator of Forests on behalf of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Forests of Fiji.

The workshop was part of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network (GFFFN) activities and aimed to finalize and validate the concept note and pre-feasibility study for a project on sustainable forest management in Fiji that is being developed with the assistance of the GFFFN. Participants focused on verifying activities, identifying information gaps and additional data requirements for improving the concept note.

The project aims at supporting Fiji to establish climate resilient forests and communities through reforestation, restoration, agroforestry, improved management of protected forest areas and value-chain development. The concept note and pre-feasibility study of the project, aim to secure up to US$ 70 million from the Green Climate Fund and other sources.