UNDT/2024/042, ’D
It is not in dispute that the Applicant received notice of the contested decision on 8 May 2023 and that he only sought management evaluation in respect of the contested decision on 2 May 2024, approximately one year later. Since the management evaluation request was submitted outside of the statutory 60-day deadline stipulated in staff rule 11.2(c), the application is non-receivable ratione materiae (see, also, Christensen 2013-UNAT-335).
The Respondent’s motion for summary judgment was granted.
The Applicant contested the “non-renewal of [his] contract following false allegations”.
Under the jurisprudence of the Appeals Tribunal, summary judgment is an appropriate procedure for the Dispute Tribunal to adopt in order to determine the receivability of an application since the issue in such circumstances is one of law and not fact. The summary judgment procedure allows the Dispute Tribunal to determine the issue without receiving any argument or evidence from the parties. (See, for instance, AAP 2023-UNAT-1391, para. 27; Auda 2017-UNAT-740, para. 18; Kazazi 2015-UNAT-557, paras. 41-42.)