The 5th UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) will be one of the biggest gatherings of world leaders in 2023. It aims to set a new and ambitious development agenda for the world¡¯s most vulnerable countries. It needs to deliver on that aim, given that decisions made here could transform the lives of a billion of the world¡¯s most vulnerable people.
Among the participants who will be supported to attend LDC5 are journalists from the 46 Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
OHRLLS recognises the importance of supporting LDC journalists as they strive to tell the stories that matter in some of the world¡¯s most vulnerable nations. The Office has supported LDC journalists in attending major UN conferences such as LDC4 in 2011, the Midterm Review of LDC4 in 2016, the Voices of a Brighter Future journalism campaign and Sustainable Energy for All Forum in 2018 and the Office's forum on energy and finance in LDCs held in 2019 in Beijing. The Office will also support LDC journalists ahead of, and at LDC5.
At LDC5, LDC journalists will have a unique role to play through strong coverage that translates the issues, connects local to global as well as identifying gaps and solutions.
For many LDCs, their respective journalists will be the main source of news about LDC5 that will reach national audiences. Quality reporting on the new Doha Programme Of Action, adopted by the UN General Assembly in March 2022, will be critical as it will shape development for LDCs in the coming decade.
On the road to LDC5, UN-OHRLLS and The Reuters Foundation facilitated a bespoke journalism fellowship programme for LDC journalists in the summer of 2021. The programme aims to develop a stronger discipline of development journalism throughout the LDCs so that people living in these countries are aware of global decisions being made on their behalf, can connect multilateral processes to their own lives and can hold decision makers to account.
The fellowship programme is an exciting opportunity for journalists from across the LDCs to network with one another prior to LDC5 so that they can share tips, story ideas, experiences, contacts and support. Fellows who complete the fellowship programme will be offered the opportunity to travel and participate in the LDC5 conference. At LDC5, The Reuters Foundation will be on the ground to support LDC journalists with a 2-day workshop to reinforce learnings from the online training modules. Reuters trainers will also be present throughout the conference to provide further mentoring and guidance.
For one outstanding journalist, they will have the opportunity to take part in a Reuters training programme at Oxford University, fully funded by the UN-OHRLLS.
Webinar Series
With the adoption of the Doha Programme of Action (DPoA) this past March, OHRLLS held back-to-back webinars to introduce the DPoA to LDC journalists.
The webinars offered journalists a tailored briefing by UN agencies on their work to support LDCs in implementing the DPoA and connected the journalists to members of the UN-system.
Webinar topics:
1. Investing in People
2. Leveraging Science, Technology and Innovation,
3. Structural transformation as a driver of prosperity,
4. Enhancing international trade,
5. Addressing climate change, environmental degradation, and building resilience against future shocks
6. Mobilizing international solidarity and partnerships in support of graduation