
One planet, one future


Today, the world counts 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24: the largest generation in history. Close to 90 per cent of these, live in developing countries, where they make up a large proportion of the population. Connected to each other and the world like never before, young people want to and already contribute to the resilience of their communities, bringing innovative solutions, driving social progress and inspiring political change. They are agents of change, mobilising to improve the lives of people and the health of the planet.

This generation has inherited unprecedented challenges that hinder them in creating a bright future for themselves. From the ever-stronger effects of climate change, to the ongoing global pandemic of COVID-19 and the consequences of the measures to counteract it, young people are suffering the repercussions of issues caused by previous generations.

Yet, we must remember, that young people are not only beneficiaries of aid. When they are provided with the necessary skills and opportunities to participate in decision-making and realise their full potential, young people can be a driving force for sustainable development, peace and security. They are able to make a positive impact at massive scale.

With the adoption of the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries, and as the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) is set to identify actions and partnerships to deliver this ambitious plan, the present and future of young people in LDCs are at stake. Young people have a right to shape it, and a responsibility to contribute to its making.

Not including young people in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Doha Programme of action as the crucial partners they are, would not only impact them, but also their communities, countries and ultimately our common vision for a better, more sustainable future. For this reason, the United Nations is working to ensure young people are at the heart of the plans to realise new Programme of action by addressing their developing needs and empowering them in furthering progress.

LDC5 will provide a platform for dialogue among LDCs, development partners and the global community on youth development in LDCs. The conference will create space to discuss and create targeted policies to empower the young population in LDCs and enhance their role in implementing the new Programme of Action as well as the 2030 Agenda.

90% the world counts 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24. 90% of these live in developing countries.
LDC5 youth track banner with a young people smiling.

Youth Track @ Doha

  1. Provide a safe space for young people to discuss the issues they face, share opportunities and identify solutions.
  2. Establish a group of motivated young changemakers, empowered as key stakeholders of LDC5 and in realizing the Doha Programme of Action.
  3. Adopt the Youth Declaration to LDC5, #ForAllGenerations

Youth on the move!

sdg wheel with youth in the middle

Adoption of the Youth Declaration

The and the , facilitated by the United Nations, coordinated the creation of a Youth Declaration titled ¡°For All Generations¡±.

a youth delegate

Youth Delegates of LDC5

We are bringing young people from each of the world¡¯s 46 Least Developed Countries to a historical event - the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries - that will shape the next decade of action!

a youth delegate

LDC5 Intergenerational Dialogue

The dialogue will be a place for an alternated, head-to-head, discussion among Member States, representatives of the United Nations, Private Sector and Civil Society, together with young people.