
Engagement with Civil Society

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Second virtual Consultation with Civil Society Representatives 

Convened by the Co-Chairs of the LDC5 Preparatory Committee 

28 July 2021, 8:15-10:00am (NY Time) 



As part of the preparatory process for the Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), civil society representatives were invited?to?attend a second consultation with?UN Member States.??The objective was to?gather inputs and comments from civil society representatives in relation to the zero-draft outcome document, discussed by the UN Member States in person during the Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) from 26-30 July 2021.? 

The consultation took place virtually?via Zoom on Wednesday, 28 July 2021 from 8:15am to 10:00am, NY Time?at the request of?the?Ambassadors of Bangladesh and Canada to the UN in New York,?Mrs?Rabab Fatima and?Mr?Robert Rae, in their capacity as?co-chairs?of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee?for LDC5.   

For further information about this event or about civil society engagement in the LDC5 process, please contact?Ms.?Erica Carroll-Ogunka?from the Office of the High Representative of LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS at erica.carroll@un.org. ?? 





Opening remarks by H.E. Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations and H.E. Bob Rae, Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations


08:25 a.m. 

Remarks by Mr. Courtenay Rattray, Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS  


08:30 a.m.

Intervention by Mr. Demba Moussa Dembele, Chair, LDC Watch | Statement


08:35 a.m. 

Interventions from Civil Society Representatives: 
Mr. Roberto Bissio, Social Watch | Statement
Ms. Anita Gurumurthy, Just Net Calition | Statement
Ms. Sophia Murphy, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Poliy | Statement
Ms. Prerna Bomzan, LDC Watch | Statement
Mr. Dereje Alemayehu, Global Alliance for Tax Justice | Statement
Ms. Yoke Ling Chee, Third World Network | Statement
Mr. KAM Morshed, BRAC | Statement
Mr. Rustam Baratov, Future International Foundation 
Mr. Pidenam Sama, Veille Citoyenne Togo | Statement
Mr. Francis Hult
Mr. Dosse Soussouga
Ms. Angela Goulovitch
Mr. Aminul Haque
Dr. Shashi Singh
Mr. Richard Jordan
Mr. Syed Saeful Haque


09:55 a.m. 

Closing remarks by H.E. Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations and H.E. Robert Rae, Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations | Statement


Written Statements

Farming Community in Bangladesh | Statement