
LLDCs National Reports

National Reports on the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014¨C2024 (2023)

1. Afghanistan* 12. Kazakhstan 23. Plurinational State of Bolivia
2. Armenia 13. Kyrgyzstan 24. Republic of Moldova
3. Azerbaijan 14. Lao People¡¯s Dem. Republic* 25. Rwanda*
4. Bhutan 15. Lesotho* 26. South Sudan*
5. Botswana 16. Malawi* 27. Tajikistan
6. Burkina Faso* 17. Mali* 28. Turkmenistan
7. Burundi* 18. Mongolia 29. Uganda*
8. Central African Republic* 19. Nepal* 30. Uzbekistan
9. Chad* 20. Niger* 31. Zambia*
10. Eswatini 21. North Macedonia 32. Zimbabwe
11. Ethiopia* 22. Paraguay  
* Also Least Developed Country