
Solving Paradoxes of Africa's Development: Financing, Energy and Food Systems

Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) is a game-changer; Energy and Food Systems are drivers of sustainable economic transformation; and Strong Institutions are enablers to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

This flagship product draws on the report of the Secretary-General, ¡°Solving the paradoxes of development in Africa: financing energy and food systems¡± (A/78/309).


Three key paradoxes hamper Africa¡¯s sustainable development. The continent is rich in financial resources but in debt distress; rich in energy resources but with persistent deficits in access to electricity; rich in agricultural resources but with high levels of food insecurity.


These three paradoxes intersect and feed one another.


Therefore, solving them will require a holistic and integrated approach, recognizing their interconnectedness and the multiplier effects of interventions. The report positions domestic resource mobilization (DRM) as a game-changer. Energy and food systems are drivers of the sustainable economic transformation required, while strong institutions are enablers to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs.

African countries need to take the lead in calls for a comprehensive reform of the global financial system, in line with the Secretary-General¡¯s push for reform.

Solving Paradoxes of Africa's Development. UN OSAA, November 2023

Portrait of the Secretary General

Content Highlights

The report is organized into three chapters following a brief introduction. Chapter 1 discusses the three paradoxes, showing their interlinkages. Chapter 2 presents policy measures and actions to solve the paradoxes using the nexus between them as a multiplier intervention. Before concluding, Chapter 3 delves into the pivotal role of policies and institutions, particularly in the context of , as catalysts for development.