
ADS2021: Public Policy Forum (May 26)


Session I: High-Level Opening Segment & Session II: Roundtable on Sustainable Peace for Development: Factoring in History

OSAA Africa Dialogue Series 2021 Public Policy Forum 26MAY21 AM ENG

Session I: High-Level Opening Segment

The three-day Public Policy Forum will begin with a High-level Opening Segment, featuring welcoming remarks from Ms. Cristina Duarte, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa; opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Ant車nio Guterres, UN Secretary-General; and remarks by H.E. Mr. Volkan Bozkir, President of the UN General Assembly; H.E. Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission; and H.E. Mr. Issa Konfourou, Permanent Representative of Mali to the United Nations, on the ADS 2021 theme, ※Cultural Identity and Ownership: Reshaping Mindsets.§

CHAIR OF THE SESSION: Ms. Beatrice Pacunega Manano, Chief, Policy Analysis and Monitoring Branch, United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA)

  • Welcome Remarks by Ms. Cristina Duarte, United Nations Under- Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa
  • Opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Ant車nio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General
  • Remarks by H.E. Mr. Volkan Bozkir, President of the United Nations General Assembly
  • Remarks by H.E. Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission
  • Remarks by H.E. Mr. Issa Konfourou, Permanent Representative of Mali to the United Nations

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Session II: Roundtable on Sustainable Peace for Development: Factoring in History

The first of three thematic roundtable discussions during the Public Policy Forum will address the importance of African history and oral traditions, as well as the strengthening of African cultural institutions, in fostering enduring peace. Can the permeation of a renewed sense of Africa*s common cross-border culture and heritage ensure sustained peace, development and prosperity?

CHAIR OF THE SESSION: Ms. Bitsat Yohannes-Kassahun, Programme Management Officer, OSAA


  • Ambassador Osman Keh Kamara, Special Advisor on Silencing the Guns to the African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security
  • Mr. Michael Kingsley-Nyinah, Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Africa, United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs-Department of Peace Operations (DPPA-DPO)
  • Ms. Fatma Mostafa, Consultant, Heritage Education for Youth and Museum Education Management
  • Mr. Olasupo Shasore, Legal Practitioner and Founding Partner of Africa Law Practice NG & Co
  • Mr. Charles Akibode, Expert on Cultural Heritage, formerly head of the Cultural Heritage Institute of Cabo Verde, member of the International Scientific Committee of the Slave Route Project
  • Prof. Shahid Vawda, Lecturer at School for African and Gender Studies, Anthropology and Linguistics, University of Cape Town
  • Dr. Julitta Onabanjo, East and Southern Africa Regional Director, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Speaker Biographies for Session II: Geopolitical Session



Session III: Geopolitical Session

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The Geopolitical Sessions provide a platform to enable a debate on global issues with a focus on their impact on Africa's development. Each of the Geopolitical Sessions will start with a keynote speech to frame the issue, after which a high-level panel will delve into three selected areas. After the panel*s intervention, the floor will be then open for Permanent Representatives and UN entities to deliver remarks on one or several of the selected areas, reflecting on the ideas that the keynote speaker and the panel have presented. The moderator will facilitate the interaction between the panel members and the participants from the floor. This first Geopolitical Session will focus on the following areas: Financing for development: IFFs and international tax cooperation; Sustaining peace for sustainable development; and Human capital and building forward better after the COVID-19.

CHAIR OF THE SESSION: Mr. Raul de Melo Cabral, Chief, Coordination, Advocacy and Programme Development Branch, OSAA

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: H.E. Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General


  • H.E. Mr. Sofiane Mimouni, Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations, on ※Financing for Development: Illicit Financial Flows and International Tax Cooperation§
  • H.E. Mr. Mohamed Fathi Ahmed Edrees, Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations and Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, on ※Sustaining Peace for Sustainable Development§
  • H.E. Mr. Mohamed Siad Doualeh, Permanent Representative of Djibouti to the United Nations, on ※Human Capital and Building Forward Better after COVID-19§

MODERATOR: Ms. Cristina Duarte, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa



Diamonds, Gold and Greed - History Of Africa with Zeinab Badawi [Episode 18]

Diamonds, Gold and Greed - History Of Africa with Zeinab Badawi [Episode 18]

In this episode, Zeinab Badawi travels to South Africa and Zimbabwe and sees how southern Africans gradually came to grasp the destruction and suffering that would be inflicted upon them by white settlers. We find out how the original inhabitants of the Cape tried to resist white settlers and the cruel reprisals they endured. We hear about the story of Shaka, King of the Zulus from a descendant of his family and how he helped reshape the map of modern southern Africa as well as the heroic battles of Shaka*s successors against those intent on seizing their riches and land: the greed for diamonds, gold and other resources that impoverished Africans and enriched white settlers, likes Cecil Rhodes.

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ADS2021 Public Policy Forum