
Solving Paradoxes of Africa¡¯s Development: Financing, Energy and Food Systems

Launch of the Report on "Solving the paradoxes of development in Africa: financing, energy and food systems"
Monday, 13 November 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. New York local time
Hybrid | UN Headquarters, New York
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Solving Paradoxes of Africa¡¯s Development: Financing, Energy and Food Systems



The United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) is launching its flagship report titled "Solving Paradoxes of Africa's Development: Financing, Energy and Food Systems" on the sideline of the General Assembly debate on Africa.

The launch will take place in hybrid format on 13 November 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) in New York.

The flagship report sheds light on the interplay among three intersecting paradoxes and their impact on Africa's sustainable development:

- Financing: Africa possesses substantial financial resources but faces a growing financing gap that has left the continent trapped in a cycle of debt distress.

- Energy: Africa holds significant energy resources, including oil and natural gas reserves, and the potential for renewable energy. However, a large part of the continent lacks access to modern and reliable energy services;

- Food Systems: Africa is rich in agricultural resources, yet it grapples with high levels of food insecurity.

The report traces the root of these paradoxes and puts forth solutions to address these challenges, which are crucial to improving Africa's prospects in accelerating progress toward achieving the SDGs.

Please join experts and policymakers by engaging in an exciting dialogue on the challenges and opportunities on Africa's development paradoxes.