
Adopting Resolution 2419 (2018), Security Council Calls for Increasing Role of Youth in Negotiating, Implementing Peace Agreements

Recognizing the role youth could play in conflict prevention and resolution, the Security Council today urged the Secretary?General and his Special Envoys to take their views into account in security?related discussions, and to facilitate their equal and full participation at decision?making levels.

Unanimously adopting resolution 2419?(2018), the Council called on all relevant actors to consider ways for increasing the representation of young people when negotiating and implementing peace agreements, recognizing that their marginalization was detrimental to building sustainable peace and countering violent extremism, as and when conducive to terrorism. ?In that context, it noted the independent Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security, titled, ¡°The missing peace¡±.

By other terms, the Council called on Member States to protect educational institutions as spaces free from all violence, ensure they were accessible to all youth and take steps to address young women¡¯s equal enjoyment of their right to education.? It recommended the Peacebuilding Commission include in its advice ways to engage young people in national efforts to build and sustain peace, particularly urging appropriate regional and subregional bodies to facilitate their constructive engagement.

The Council went on to request the Secretary?General to consider including in his reporting progress made towards young people¡¯s participation in such processes as disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and interlinked community violence reduction programmes.? He might also consider internal mechanisms to broaden young people¡¯s participation in the work of the United Nations, the Council stated, asking him to submit, no later than May?2020, a report on the implementation of the current resolution, as well as resolution?2250?(2015).

Introducing the draft, Olof Skoog?(Sweden) said it built on and complemented resolution 2250?(2015).? It underlined the contribution young people could make to peace and security if actively engaged, recognizing both their diversity and the need to counter any stigmatization or homogenization.? Further, the resolution highlighted that the youth, peace and security agenda was a crucial part of the 2030?Agenda for Sustainable Development. ?Indeed, it marked an advance in the collective determination to ensure youth could play their rightful and necessary role in the Council¡¯s work and in building peace around the world.

Gustavo Meza-Cuadra (Peru), speaking after the vote, said the resolution underscored the important role that youth were called on to play in the prevention and resolution of conflict.? Highlighting Jordan¡¯s initiative to place the topic on the Council¡¯s agenda in?2015, he said young people were crucial to forging an inclusive vision of a shared future.? The resolution represented a major contribution to the Council¡¯s work and he underscored the importance of follow up on its provisions, and of combating stereotypes that perpetuated violence against women.

Karel J. G. van Oosterom (Netherlands) expressed hope that the resolution¡¯s request for a follow?up report would receive the attention it deserved. ?The text welcomed the Council¡¯s intention to invite youth organizations as briefers and encouraged the Secretary?General to include information on youth participation in peace processes. ?The Progress Study, meanwhile, had given voice to 4,000?young people who would not otherwise have had the chance to participate in a policy?shaping exercise.? He expressed hope that the Council would continue to increase youth participation in issues of peace and security.

Elaine Marie French (United States), while commending Peru and Sweden for working to ensure the Council recognized the role of young people, nonetheless voiced regret that the resolution did not contain language on the prevention of violent extremism. ?The concept was not new and should not be controversial, as its goal was to address the factors that motivated people towards violence. ?The Council had missed an opportunity to ensure that youth were involved in action plans to prevent violent extremism.? There was no reason why it could not support such efforts. ?She cautioned against rolling back language on technology and the Internet.? Instead, the Council should have used language contained in resolution?2396?(2017), which should be the baseline for going forward.

The meeting began at 10:20?a.m. and ended at 10:36?a.m.


The full text of reads as follows:

¡°The Security Council,

¡°Reaffirming?its commitment to the full implementation of resolution?2250?(2015),

¡°Recalling?its resolutions?1325?(2000), 1820?(2008), 1889?(2009), 1960?(2010), 2106?(2013), 2122?(2013) and 2242?(2015) on Women, Peace and Security and all relevant statements of its President,

¡°Recalling?also its resolutions on Countering Terrorism including 2178?(2014), 2195?(2014), 2354?(2017), 2395?(2017) and 2396?(2017) and the statement of its President?,

¡°Recalling?further its resolutions 1265?(1999) and 1894?(2009) on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict,

¡°Recalling?its resolutions?1645?(2005), 2282?(2016) and 2413?(2018) on the peacebuilding architecture and the statements of its President on Post-Conflict Peacebuilding??and?,

¡°Noting?that the term youth is defined in the context of this resolution as persons of the age of 18?29 years old, and further noting the variations of definition of the term that may exist on the national and international levels, including the definition of youth in the General Assembly resolutions?50/81 and?56/117,

¡°Bearing in mind?the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the primary responsibility of the Security Council under the Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security,

¡°Reaffirming?the importance of promoting the United Nations ability to deliver on its founding determination to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war and putting emphasis on preventive diplomacy, mediation and good offices, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and sustaining peace,

¡°Reaffirming?also the important and positive contribution youth can make to the efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security,

¡°Reaffirming?further the important role youth can play in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and as a key aspect of the sustainability, inclusiveness and success of peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts,

¡°Reaffirming?the importance of national ownership and leadership in peacebuilding, whereby the responsibility for sustaining peace is broadly shared by the Government and all other national stakeholders,

¡°Reaffirming?also the primary responsibility of national Governments and authorities in identifying, driving and directing priorities, strategies and activities for peacebuilding and sustaining peace and emphasizes that inclusivity, including by ensuring full and effective participation of youth without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status is key to advancing national peacebuilding processes and objectives in order to ensure that the needs of all segments of society are taken into account,

¡°Recognizing?the importance of civil society, including community?based civil society, youth, the private sector, academia, think tanks, media, women, and cultural, educational and religious leaders in increasing awareness about the threats of terrorism and more effectively tackling them,

¡°Emphasizing?the importance of a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding and sustaining peace, particularly through the prevention of conflict and addressing its root causes at all stages of conflict,

¡°Recognizing?the important contribution of an integrated approach in the implementation of the 2030?Agenda for Sustainable Development,

¡°Expressing concern?over the increased use, in a globalized society, by terrorists and their supporters of new information and communications technologies, in particular the Internet, for the purposes of recruitment and incitement of youth to commit terrorist acts, as well as for the financing, planning and preparation of their activities, and underlining the need for Member States to act cooperatively to prevent terrorists from exploiting technology, communications and resources to incite support for terrorist acts, while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms and in compliance with other obligations under international law,

¡°Recognizing?the challenges faced by youth which put them at particular risk, including gender inequalities that perpetuate all forms of discrimination and violence, and persistent inequalities that put young women at particular risk, and therefore reaffirming the commitment to the empowerment of women and gender equality,

¡°Recognizing?also the growing contribution of sport and culture to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of youth and women, individuals and communities as well as to health, education and social inclusion objectives,

¡°Reaffirming?the right to education and its contribution to the achievement of peace and security and further recognizing that investment in universal, and inclusive education and training is an important policy investment that States can make to ensure the immediate and long?term development of youth, and reiterating that access to inclusive, equitable and quality formal and non?formal education are important factors that enable youth to acquire the relevant skills and to build their capacities,

¡°1.???Notes?the independent Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security, ¡®The missing peace¡¯ presented by the independent lead author and of the Advisory Group of Experts;

¡°2.???Calls?on all relevant actors to consider ways to increase the inclusive representation of youth for the prevention and resolution of conflict, including when negotiating and implementing peace agreements, to take into account the meaningful participation and views of youth, recognizing that their marginalization is detrimental to building sustainable peace and countering violent extremism as and when conducive to terrorism;

¡°3.???Recognizes?the role youth can play in conflict prevention and resolution;

¡°4.???Reiterates?the importance of Security Council missions taking into account youth?related considerations including, as appropriate, through consultation with local and international youth groups;

¡°5.???Calls upon?all parties to armed conflict to comply strictly with the obligations applicable to them under international law relevant to the protection of civilians, including youth, including the obligations applicable to them under the Geneva Conventions of?1949 and additional protocols thereto of?1977 and urges Member States to consider specific measures, in conformity with international law, that ensure, during armed conflict and post?conflict, the protection of civilians, including youth;

¡°6.???Also calls upon?Member States to comply with their respective obligations to end impunity and further calls on them to investigate and prosecute those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other egregious crimes perpetrated against civilians, including youth;

¡°7.???Reaffirms?that States must respect, promote and protect the human rights of all individuals, including youth, within their territory and subject to their jurisdiction as provided for by relevant international law and reaffirms that each State bears the primary responsibility to protect its populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity;

¡°8.???Urges?Member States to protect youth from violence in armed conflict, and urges all parties to eliminate all forms of sexual and gender?based violence as well as human trafficking;

¡°9.???Recognizes?the role of youth in promoting a culture of peace, tolerance, intercultural and interreligious dialogue that aims at discouraging their participation in acts of violence, terrorism, xenophobia and all forms of discrimination and reiterates that efforts to counter terrorist narratives can benefit through engagement with a wide range of actors, including youth and youth?led civil society;

¡°10.??Recognizes?that youth and youth?led civil society can also play an important role in efforts to peacebuilding and sustaining peace;

¡°11.??Reaffirming?States¡¯ obligation to respect, promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of all individuals, including youth, and ensure equal access to justice and preserve the integrity of rule of law institutions; and foster an enabling and safe environment for youth working on peace and security;

¡°12.??Calls upon?Member States to protect educational institutions as spaces free from all forms of violence, and to ensure that they are accessible to all youth, including marginalized youth, and take steps to address young women¡¯s equal enjoyment of their right to education;

¡°13.??Stresses?the importance of creating policies for youth that would positively contribute to peacebuilding efforts, including social and economic development, supporting projects designed to grow local economies, and provide youth employment opportunities and vocational training, fostering their education, and promoting youth entrepreneurship and constructive political engagement;

¡°14.??Urges?Member States to consider, as appropriate, how their political, financial, technical and logistical support in conflict and post?conflict situations takes into account the needs and participation of youth in peace efforts;

¡°15.??Recommends?the Peacebuilding Commission to include in its discussions and advice, ways to engage youth meaningfully in national efforts to build and sustain peace;

¡°16.??Urges?the Secretary?General and his Special Envoys to take into account the views of youth in relevant discussions pertinent to the maintenance of peace and security, peacebuilding and sustaining peace, and to facilitate the equal and full participation of youth at decision?making levels, paying particular attention to the inclusion of young women;

¡°17.??Also urges?appropriate regional and subregional bodies in particular to consider developing and implementing policies and programs for youth and to facilitate their constructive engagement;

¡°18.??Expresses?its intention, where appropriate, to invite civil society including youth?led organizations to brief the Council in country?specific considerations and relevant thematic areas;

¡°19.??Encourages?relevant entities of the United Nations, Rapporteurs and Special Envoys and Representatives of the Secretary?General, including the Secretary?General¡¯s Envoy on Youth, to improve their coordination and interaction regarding the needs of youth during armed conflicts and post?conflict situations;

¡°20.??Requests?the Secretary?General, where appropriate, to consider including in his reporting to the Security Council information on the progress made towards participation of youth in peace processes, including disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes and interlinked programmes such as community violence reduction;

¡°21.??Recommends?that the Secretary?General consider internal mechanisms to broaden the participation of youth within the work of the United Nations;

¡°22.??Requests?the Secretary?General to submit, no later than May?2020, a report to the Council on the implementation of this resolution and of resolution?2250?(2015);

¡°23.??Decides?to remain seized of the matter.¡±

For information media. Not an official record.