The United Nations
Fourth World Conference on Women
Beijing, China - September 1995
Action for Equality, Development and Peace
Women and Poverty Diagnosis
Strategic objective A.1. Review, adopt and maintain macroeconomic policies and development strategies that address the needs and efforts of women in poverty. Actions to be taken.
Strategic objective A.2. Revise laws and administrative practices to ensure women's equal rights and access to economic resources. Actions to be taken.
Strategic objective A.3. Provide women with access to savings and credit mechanisms and institutions. Actions to be taken.
Strategic objective A.4. Develop gender-based methodologies and conduct research to address the feminization of poverty. Actions to be taken.
 Women and Poverty follow-up (Under construction)
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- More than 1 billion people in the world today, the great
majority of
whom are women, live in unacceptable conditions of poverty,
mostly in the
developing countries. Poverty has various causes, including
structural ones.
Poverty is a complex, multidimensional problem, with origins in
both the
national and international domains. The globalization of the
world's economy
and the deepening interdependence among nations present
challenges and
opportunities for sustained economic growth and development, as
well as risks
and uncertainties for the future of the world economy. The
uncertain global
economic climate has been accompanied by economic restructuring
as well as, in
a certain number of countries, persistent, unmanageable levels of
debt and structural adjustment programmes. In addition, all
types of
conflict, displacement of people and environmental degradation
have undermined
the capacity of Governments to meet the basic needs of their
Transformations in the world economy are profoundly changing the
parameters of
social development in all countries. One significant trend has
been the
increased poverty of women, the extent of which varies from
region to region.
The gender disparities in economic power-sharing are also an
contributing factor to the poverty of women. Migration and
consequent changes
in family structures have placed additional burdens on women,
especially those
who provide for several dependants. Macroeconomic policies need
and reformulation to address such trends. These policies focus
exclusively on the formal sector. They also tend to impede the
initiatives of
women and fail to consider the differential impact on women and
men. The
application of gender analysis to a wide range of policies and
programmes is
therefore critical to poverty reduction strategies. In order to
poverty and achieve sustainable development, women and men must
fully and equally in the formulation of macroeconomic and social
policies and
strategies for the eradication of poverty. The eradication of
poverty cannot
be accomplished through anti-poverty programmes alone but will
democratic participation and changes in economic structures in
order to ensure
access for all women to resources, opportunities and public
services. Poverty
has various manifestations, including lack of income and
productive resources
sufficient to ensure a sustainable livelihood; hunger and
malnutrition; ill
health; limited or lack of access to education and other basic
increasing morbidity and mortality from illness; homelessness and
housing; unsafe environments; and social discrimination and
exclusion. It is
also characterized by lack of participation in decision-making
and in civil,
social and cultural life. It occurs in all countries - as mass
poverty in
many developing countries and as pockets of poverty amidst wealth
in developed
countries. Poverty may be caused by an economic recession that
results in
loss of livelihood or by disaster or conflict. There is also the
poverty of low-wage workers and the utter destitution of people who fall
outside family
support systems, social institutions and safety nets.
In the past decade the number of women living in poverty has
disproportionately to the number of men, particularly in the
countries. The feminization of poverty has also recently become
a significant
problem in the countries with economies in transition as a
consequence of the process of political, economic and social
In addition to economic factors, the rigidity of socially
ascribed gender
roles and women's limited access to power, education, training
and productive
resources as well as other emerging factors that may lead to
insecurity for
families are also responsible. The failure to adequately
mainstream a gender
perspective in all economic analysis and planning and to address
structural causes of poverty is also a contributing factor.
Women contribute to the economy and to combating poverty
through both
remunerated and unremunerated work at home, in the community and
in the
workplace. The empowerment of women is a critical factor in the
of poverty.
While poverty affects households as a whole, because of the
division of labour and responsibilities for household welfare,
women bear a
disproportionate burden, attempting to manage household
consumption and
production under conditions of increasing scarcity. Poverty is
acute for women living in rural households.
Women's poverty is directly related to the absence of
opportunities and autonomy, lack of access to economic resources,
credit, land ownership and inheritance, lack of access to
education and
support services and their minimal participation in the
process. Poverty can also force women into situations in which
they are
vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
In too many countries, social welfare systems do not take
account of the specific conditions of women living in poverty,
and there is a
tendency to scale back the services provided by such systems.
The risk of
falling into poverty is greater for women than for men,
particularly in old
age, where social security systems are based on the principle of
remunerated employment. In some cases, women do not fulfil this
requirement because of interruptions in their work, due to the unbalanced distribution of
remunerated and unremunerated work. Moreover, older women also
face greater
obstacles to labour-market re-entry.
In many developed countries, where the level of general
education and
professional training of women and men are similar and where
systems of
protection against discrimination are available, in some sectors
the economic
transformations of the past decade have strongly increased either
unemployment of women or the precarious nature of their
employment. The
proportion of women among the poor has consequently increased.
In countries
with a high level of school enrolment of girls, those who leave
educational system the earliest, without any qualification, are
among the most
vulnerable in the labour market.
In countries with economies in transition and in other
undergoing fundamental political, economic and social
transformations, these transformations have often led to a reduction in women's income
or to women
being deprived of income.
Particularly in developing countries, the productive capacity
of women
should be increased through access to capital, resources, credit,
technology, information, technical assistance and training so as
to raise
their income and improve nutrition, education, health care and
status within
the household. The release of women's productive potential is
pivotal to
breaking the cycle of poverty so that women can share fully in
the benefits of
development and in the products of their own labour.
Sustainable development and economic growth that is both
sustained and
sustainable are possible only through improving the economic,
political, legal and cultural status of women. Equitable social
that recognizes empowering the poor, particularly women, to
environmental resources sustainably is a necessary foundation for
The success of policies and measures aimed at supporting or
strengthening the promotion of gender equality and the improvement of the status of women should be based on the integration of the gender
in general policies relating to all spheres of society as well as
implementation of positive measures with adequate institutional and financial
support at all levels.
Strategic objective A.1.
Review, adopt and maintain macroeconomic policies and
development strategies that address the needs and efforts of
women in poverty
Actions to be taken
- Review and modify, with the full and equal participation of
macroeconomic and social policies with a view to achieving the
objectives of the
Platform for Action;
Analyse, from a gender perspective, policies and programmes -
including those
related to macroeconomic stability, structural adjustment,
external debt problems,
taxation, investments, employment, markets and all relevant
sectors of the economy
- with respect to their impact on poverty, on inequality and
particularly on
women; assess their impact on family well-being and conditions
and adjust them,
as appropriate, to promote more equitable distribution of
productive assets,
wealth, opportunities, income and services;
Pursue and implement sound and stable macroeconomic and
sectoral policies that
are designed and monitored with the full and equal participation
of women,
encourage broad-based sustained economic growth, address the
structural causes of
poverty and are geared towards eradicating poverty and reducing
inequality within the overall framework of achieving
people-centred sustainable
Restructure and target the allocation of public expenditures
to promote
women's economic opportunities and equal access to productive
resources and to
address the basic social, educational and health needs of women,
those living in poverty;
Develop agricultural and fishing sectors, where and as
necessary, in order to
ensure, as appropriate, household and national food security and
self-sufficiency, by allocating the necessary financial,
technical and human
Develop policies and programmes to promote equitable
distribution of food
within the household;
Provide adequate safety nets and strengthen State-based and
support systems, as an integral part of social policy, in order
to enable women
living in poverty to withstand adverse economic environments and
preserve their
livelihood, assets and revenues in times of crisis;
Generate economic policies that have a positive impact on the
employment and
income of women workers in both the formal and informal sectors and adopt specific measures to address women's unemployment, in particular their
long-term unemployment;
Formulate and implement, when necessary, specific economic,
agricultural and related policies in support of female-headed
Develop and implement anti-poverty programmes, including
employment schemes,
that improve access to food for women living in poverty,
including through the use of appropriate pricing and distribution mechanisms;
Ensure the full realization of the human rights of all women
including women migrant workers, and their protection against
violence and
exploitation; introduce measures for the empowerment of
documented women migrants,
including women migrant workers; facilitate the productive
employment of
documented migrant women through greater recognition of their
skills, foreign
education and credentials, and facilitate their full integration
into the labour
Introduce measures to integrate or reintegrate women living
in poverty and
socially marginalized women into productive employment and the
mainstream; ensure that internally displaced women have full
access to economic
opportunities and that the qualifications and skills of immigrant
and refugee
women are recognized;
Enable women to obtain affordable housing and access to land
by, among other
things, removing all obstacles to access, with special emphasis
on meeting the
needs of women, especially those living in poverty and female
heads of household;
Formulate and implement policies and programmes that enhance
the access of
women agricultural and fisheries producers (including subsistence
farmers and
producers, especially in rural areas) to financial, technical,
extension and
marketing services; provide access to and control of land,
infrastructure and technology in order to increase women's
incomes and promote
household food security, especially in rural areas and, where
encourage the development of producer-owned, market-based
Create social security systems wherever they do not exist, or
review them with a view to placing individual women and men on an equal footing, at every stage of their lives;
Ensure access to free or low-cost legal services, including
legal literacy,
especially designed to reach women living in poverty;
Take particular measures to promote and strengthen policies
and programmes for indigenous women with their full participation and respect for their cultural
diversity, so that they have opportunities and the possibility of
choice in the
development process in order to eradicate the poverty that affects them.
By multilateral financial and development institutions,
including the World
Bank, the International Monetary Fund and regional development
institutions, and
through bilateral development cooperation:
- In accordance with the commitments made at the World Summit
for Social
Development, seek to mobilize new and additional financial
resources that are both
adequate and predictable and mobilized in a way that maximizes
the availability
of such resources and uses all available funding sources and
mechanisms with a
view to contributing towards the goal of poverty eradication and
targeting women
living in poverty;
Strengthen analytical capacity in order to more
systematically strengthen
gender perspectives and integrate them into the design and
implementation of
lending programmes, including structural adjustment and economic
Find effective development-oriented and durable solutions to
external debt
problems in order to help them to finance programmes and projects
targeted at
development, including the advancement of women, inter alia,
through the immediate
implementation of the terms of debt forgiveness agreed upon in
the Paris Club in
December 1994, which encompassed debt reduction, including
cancellation or other
debt relief measures and develop techniques of debt conversion
applied to social
development programmes and projects in conformity with the
priorities of the
Platform for Action;
Invite the international financial institutions to examine
approaches to assisting low-income countries with a high
proportion of
multilateral debt, with a view to alleviating their debt burden;
Ensure that structural adjustment programmes are designed to
minimize their
negative effects on vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and
communities and to
assure their positive effects on such groups and communities by
preventing their
marginalization in economic and social activities and devising
measures to ensure
that they gain access to and control over economic resources and
economic and
social activities; take actions to reduce inequality and economic disparity;
Review the impact of structural adjustment programmes on
social development
by means of gender-sensitive social impact assessments and other
relevant methods,
in order to develop policies to reduce their negative effects and
improve their positive impact, ensuring that women do not bear a
disproportionate burden of
transition costs; complement adjustment lending with enhanced,
targeted social
development lending;
Create an enabling environment that allows women to build and
sustainable livelihoods.
By national and international non-governmental organizations
and women's
Mobilize all parties involved in the development process,
including academic
institutions, non-governmental organizations and grass-roots and
women's groups,
to improve the effectiveness of anti-poverty programmes directed
towards the
poorest and most disadvantaged groups of women, such as rural and
women, female heads of household, young women and older women,
refugees and
migrant women and women with disabilities, recognizing that
development is primarily the responsibility of Governments;
Engage in lobbying and establish monitoring mechanisms, as
appropriate, and
other relevant activities to ensure implementation of the
recommendations on
poverty eradication outlined in the Platform for Action and aimed
at ensuring
accountability and transparency from the State and private
Include in their activities women with diverse needs and
recognize that youth
organizations are increasingly becoming effective partners in
In cooperation with the government and private sectors,
participate in the
development of a comprehensive national strategy for improving
health, education
and social services so that girls and women of all ages living in
poverty have
full access to such services; seek funding to secure access to
services with a
gender perspective and to extend those services in order to reach
the rural and
remote areas that are not covered by government institutions;
In cooperation with Governments, employers, other social
partners and relevant
parties, contribute to the development of education and training
and retraining
policies to ensure that women can acquire a wide range of skills
to meet new
Mobilize to protect women's right to full and equal access to
resources, including the right to inheritance and to ownership of
land and other
property, credit, natural resources and appropriate technologies.
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Strategic objective A.2.
Revise laws and administrative
practices to ensure women's equal rights and access to economic resources
Actions to be taken
- Ensure access to free or low-cost legal services, including
legal literacy,
especially designed to reach women living in poverty;
Undertake legislative and administrative reforms to give
women full and equal
access to economic resources, including the right to inheritance
and to ownership
of land and other property, credit, natural resources and
Consider ratification of Convention No. 169 of the
International Labour
Organization (ILO) as part of their efforts to promote and
protect the rights of
indigenous people.
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Strategic objective A.3.
Provide women with access to savings and credit mechanisms and institutions
Actions to be taken
- Enhance the access of disadvantaged women, including women
entrepreneurs, in
rural, remote and urban areas to financial services through
strengthening links
between the formal banks and intermediary lending organizations,
legislative support, training for women and institutional
strengthening for
intermediary institutions with a view to mobilizing capital for
those institutions
and increasing the availability of credit;
Encourage links between financial institutions and
organizations and support innovative lending practices, including
those that
integrate credit with women's services and training and provide
credit facilities
to rural women.
By commercial banks, specialized financial institutions and
the private
sector in examining their policies:
- Use credit and savings methodologies that are effective in
reaching women in
poverty and innovative in reducing transaction costs and
redefining risk;
Open special windows for lending to women, including young
women, who lack
access to traditional sources of collateral;
Simplify banking practices, for example by reducing the
minimum deposit and
other requirements for opening bank accounts;
Ensure the participation and joint ownership, where possible,
of women clients
in the decision-making of institutions providing credit and
financial services.
By multilateral and bilateral development cooperation
Support, through the provision of capital and/or
financial institutions that serve low-income,
small-scale and
micro-scale women entrepreneurs and producers, in both
the formal
and informal sectors.
By Governments and multilateral financial institutions, as
Support institutions that meet performance standards in
large numbers of low-income women and men through
refinancing and institutional development support in
forms that
foster self-sufficiency.
By international organizations:
Increase funding for programmes and projects designed to
sustainable and productive entrepreneurial activities
for income-
generation among disadvantaged women and women living in
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Strategic objective A.4.
Develop gender-based methodologies
and conduct research to address the feminization of poverty
Actions to be taken
- By Governments, intergovernmental organizations, academic and
institutions and the private sector:
- Develop conceptual and practical methodologies for
gender perspectives into all aspects of economic
including structural adjustment planning and programmes;
Apply these methodologies in conducting gender-impact
analyses of
all policies and programmes, including structural
programmes, and disseminate the research findings.
By national and international statistical organizations:
Collect gender and age-disaggregated data on poverty and
all aspects
of economic activity and develop qualitative and
statistical indicators to facilitate the assessment of
performance from a gender perspective;
Devise suitable statistical means to recognize and make
visible the