
Commission on the Status of Women
48th session

1 - 12 March 2004

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Official Documents

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[Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish]  

E/2004/27, E/CN.6/2004/14   [ ]
Report of the 48th session of the Commission on the Status of Women
( 1 to 12 March 2004 )

E/CN.6/2004/1   [ ]
Annotated provisional agenda and proposed organization of work

E/CN.6/2004/2   [ ]
Review of the methods of work of the Commission on the Status of Women in the context of integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic and social fields

E/CN.6/2004/3   [ ]
Measures taken and progress achieved in the follow-up to and implementation of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”, especially in mainstreaming gender perspectives in entities of the United Nations system

E/CN.6/2004/4   [ ]
Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women

E/CN.6/2004/5   [ ]
The situation of women and girls in Afghanistan

E/CN.6/2004/6   [ ]
Release of women and children taken hostage, including those subsequently imprisoned, in armed conflicts

E/CN.6/2004/6/Corr.1   [ ]
Release of women and children taken hostage, including those subsequently imprisoned, in armed conflicts, Corrigendum

E/CN.6/2004/7   [ ]
Joint work plan of the Division for the Advancement of Women and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

E/CN.6/2004/8   [ ]
Report of the United Nations Development Fund for Women on the elimination of violence against women

E/CN.6/2004/8/Corr.1   [ ]
Report of the United Nations Development Fund for Women on the elimination of violence against women, Corrigendum

E/CN.6/2004/9   [ ]
Thematic issue before the Commission: The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality

E/CN.6/2004/10   [ ]
Women’s equal participation in conflict prevention, management and conflict resolution and in post-conflict peace-building

E/CN.6/2004/11   [ ]
Future work of the Working Group on Communications on the Status of Women

E/CN.6/2004/11/Add.1   [ ]
Future work of the Working Group on Communications on the Status of Women

E/CN.6/2004/11/Add.2   [ ]
Future work of the Working Group on Communications on the Status of Women

E/CN.6/2004/12   [ ]
Letter dated 31 October 2003 from the President of the Economic and Social Council addressed to the Chairperson of the Commission on the Status of Women, 4 December 2003

E/CN.6/2004/13   [ ]
Letter dated 4 March 2004 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

E/CN.6/2004/INF.1   [ ]
List of delegations


E/CN.6/2004/CRP.1   [ A C E F R S ]
Discussion guide on the Commission on the Status of Women High-Level Round Table

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.2   [ A C E F R S ]
Note by the Secretariat on the comprehensive review and appraisal of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century” in 2005

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.3   [ A C E F R S ]
Results of the thirtieth session of the Commitee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.4   [ A C E F R S ]
Preparation of the 2004 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.5   [ A C E F R S ]
Proposals for the Secretary-General’s Strategic Framework for the biennium 2006-2007

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.6   [ A C E F R S ]
Resources mobilization and enabling environment for poverty eradication in the context of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.7   [ English ]
Enhancing women's participation in electoral processes in post-conflict countries

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.9   [ A C E F R S ]
Panel discussion on women’s equal participation in conflict prevention, management and conflict resolution and in post-conflict peace-building

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.10   [ A C E F R S ]
Summary submitted by the moderator of the panel discussion on the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality

E/CN.6/2004/CRP.11   [ English ]
Summary submitted by the co-chairpersons on the high level roundtable which focused on gaps and challenges in measuring progress in the context of the review and appraisal and implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly at the Commission on the Status of Women at its forty-ninth session in 2005


E/CN.6/2004/NGO/1   [ ]
Statement submitted by Bahá’í International Community

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/2   [ ]
Statement submitted by Radin Institute for Family Health Education and Promotion

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/3   [ ]
Statement submitted by Zonta International, et al

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/4   [ ]
Statement submitted by International Federation of Business and Professional Women et al.

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/5   [ ]
Statement submitted by the International Council of Women, et al.

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/6   [ ]
Statement submitted by the International Alliance of Women, et al

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/7   [ ]
Statement submitted by Empowering Widows in Development

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/7/Corr.1   [ ]
Statement submitted by Empowering Widows in Development, Corrigendum

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/8   [ ]
Statement submitted by Mothers' Union

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/9   [ ]
Statement submitted by Catholic Women's League Australia

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/10   [ ]
Statement submitted by Rotary International

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/11   [ ]
Statement submitted by United States Committee for UNIFEM

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/12   [ ]
Statement submitted by European Women's Lobby

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/13   [ ]
Statement submitted by Zonta International, et al

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/14   [ ]
Statement submitted by International Federation of Women in Legal Careers

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/15   [ ]
Statement submitted by the World Veterans Federation

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/16   [ ]
Statement submitted by Soroptimist International

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/17   [ ]
Statement submitted by Legião da Boa Vontade (Legion of Good Will)

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/18   [ ]
Statement submitted by Oxfam International

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/18/Corr.1   [ ]
Statement submitted by Oxfam International, Corrigendum

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/19   [ ]
Statement submitted by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/20   [ ]
Statement submitted by Associated Country Women of the World, et al

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/21   [ ]
Statement submitted by the National Council for Women of Catalonia

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/22   [ ]
Statement submitted by the National Council for Women of Catalonia

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/23   [ ]
Statement submitted by World Vision International

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/24   [ ]
Statement submitted by Equality Now

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/25   [ ]
Statement submitted by Human Rights Advocates

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/26   [ ]
Statement submitted by the Grail

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/27   [ ]
Statement submitted by Women’s National Commission

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/28   [ ]
Statement submitted by Women’s National Commission

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/29   [ ]
Statement submitted by Focus on the Family

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/30   [ ]
Statement submitted by National Alliance of Women's Organizations

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/31   [ ]
Statement submitted by Franciscans International

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/32   [ ]
Statement submitted by International Council of Women, et al.

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/33   [ ]
Statement submitted by Canadian Voice of Women for Peace

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/34   [ ]
Statement submitted by Anglican Consultative Council

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/35   [ ]
Statement submitted by Institute for Women Studies and Research

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/36   [ ]
Statement submitted by Africa Muslims Agency and Muslim World League, et al

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/37   [ ]
Statement submitted by Hadassah (Women's Zionist Organization of America)

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/38   [ ]
Statement submitted by Federation of Cuban Women

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/39   [ ]
Statement submitted by Federation of Cuban Women

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/40   [ ]
Statement submitted by Colombian Commission of Jurists

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/41   [ ]
Statement submitted by the International Alliance of Women and the International Federation of Women Lawyers

E/CN.6/2004/NGO/42   [ ]
Statement submitted by the Friends World Committee for Consultation