
Parliamentary Counter-Terrorism Working Group for Africa convenes first Meeting in Togo

The Parliamentary Counter-Terrorism Working Group (WG) for Africa met for the first time today in a hybrid event organized by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement, in cooperation with the National Assembly of the Togolese Republic, the African Parliamentary Union (APU), the Interparliamentary Committee of the G5 Sahel (CIP G5 Sahel), and the Shura Council of the State of Qatar. 

Established at the High-Level Parliamentary conference in Doha last year, the Working Group provides a forum for parliamentarians to discuss shortcomings and challenges they are facing in their respective countries and regions and, in consulation with international and civil society organisations,  devise plans on how to collectively address them. It currently comprises members of 19 national parliaments from African Member States.

Mr. Idi Gado Boubacar, APU Secretary-General and facilitator of the Working Group, opened the meeting and emphasized that the ¡°objective of this group is to compile existing priorities of its member countries and identify ways to work together.¡±

In his keynote opening address, H.E. Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union commended the creation of the Working Group and noted that ¡°this is one example of concrete action. This is a group to counter terrorism, but it is not only theoretical. It is now organizing events with parliamentarians and civil society to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism, and this happened because of the commitment and support of parliaments to fight terrorism.¡± 

Member of the Working Group and Member of the Transitional National Council of Chad, Honorable Mahmat Oumar Malloum, emphasized that ¡°preventing, protecting, monitoring, and responding to terrorism are the four pillars most important in fighting against terrorism and violent extremism in Africa.¡±

The opening segment was followed by three working sessions. In the first session of the Working Group meeting, parliamentarians exchanged views on the most pressing policy-making and legislative challenges they face with regards to the prevention of violent extremism, the protection of victims of terrorism, and national counter-terrorism action plans. 

During the second session, parliamentarians discussed how to collectively address the growing terrorism threat in Africa, especially with regards to border security management, the financing of terrorism in the region, and international cooperation. 

In the third session, participants focused on next steps and points of action at the national and regional levels in preparation for future Working Group engagements. The participants decided  to hold the next Working Group Meeting at the end of 2023. In the meantime, members agreed to identify 2-3 national priority areas to to address together with UNOCT. 

The recommendations developed by the Working Group will be analyzed by participating parliamentary delegations and shared with all parties involved in the initiative for the consideration and proposal of further bilateral actions and follow-up activities.

Friday, 20 January 2023 - 5:00pm

Today¡¯s meeting of the Working Group for Africa  is a  follow-up to the high-level parliamentary conference on ¡°Understanding the terrorist threat in Africa: new challenges and necessary measures¡±, which was organized by the UNOCT Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement, in cooperation with APU and the Shura Council of the State of Qatar and formally established the Working Group, in March 2022.

UNOCT¡¯s Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Doha serves as a global hub to support and build the capacity of parliamentarians worldwide in their efforts to counter terrorism, through innovation and by leveraging partnerships with parliamentary assemblies, United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact entities, regional and international organizations, academia, and civil society.
