In-depth consultations on vulnerable targets protection in Indonesia

Initiating the first phase of its technical assistance project with Indonesia, the Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats Against Vulnerable Targets held in-depth consultations in Jakarta with Indonesian officials from relevant ministries and agencies responsible for the protection of vulnerable places, i.e. critical infrastructure and ¡°soft" targets, from 29 November to 2 December 2022.
The consultations were opened by Ms. Valerie Julliand, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Indonesia, and Mr. Andhika Chrisnayudhanto, the Deputy Director of International Cooperation of the Indonesian National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT). The objective of these consultations is to identify gaps and priorities in the area of vulnerable targets protection. UNOCT and CTED, who led the consultations, held detailed discussions analyzing the relevant legal, institutional and operational frameworks of Indonesia.
The Global Programme presented its preliminary findings and recommendations that will form the basis of a national action plan, to be developed in phase two of the assistance programme. The national plan to be drafted as a result of the consultations will guide the implementation of tailored capacity-building activities (phase three) in 2023.
This project is generously funded by the United States Department Bureau of Counter-Terrorism.