
Protective Security Expert Meeting on Transport Hubs Convened in London

The Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network (CTPN) and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) organized a strategic-level expert group meeting to address security challenges at transport hubs in a city context, in London on 26-27 February 2025.

Bringing together thirty senior representatives from law enforcement, transport authorities, local government, and specialist agencies, the workshop facilitated high-level discussions on mitigating terrorist threats at key transit points such as airports and city-center train stations.

Participants examined infrastructural vulnerabilities, operational challenges posed by heightened threat levels, and the broader implications of an attack on critical transport infrastructure.

The meeting provided a forum for international experts to exchange insights and experiences, while fostering collaboration on urban transport security. Experts evaluated the operational impacts of increased threat levels, and considered the broader consequences of potential attacks on transport systems.

The workshop also strengthened synergies between the UN Global Network of Experts on Vulnerable Targets Protection and the Counter-Terrorism Preparedness Network, fostering international cooperation in enhancing urban preparedness and security arrangements. Through a combination of expert presentations, group discussions, and a counter-terrorism tabletop exercise, the workshop served as a platform for knowledge-sharing and good practices identification. 

Insights from the expert group meeting will contribute to the development of a short UNOCT-CTPN technical guide on transport hub protection at the city level.

This expert meeting, generously funded by the State of Qatar and CTPN, represents a continued commitment to improving protective security measures and resilience at transport hubs.



For more information: oct-vulnerable-targets@un.org