Workshop on Vulnerable Targets Protection and Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Togo
The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) concluded, on 31 January, its fifth capacity-building activity part of the implementation of Togo¡¯s National Action Plan (or Roadmap) on the Protection of Vulnerable Targets, which was launched in 2022.
This ¡°Training Workshop on Vulnerable Targets Protection and Unmanned Aircraft Systems¡± (UAS) aimed at raising awareness among Togolese authorities of:
- the use of unmanned aircraft systems by terrorist actors against vulnerable targets,
- means of protection against this type of attack, and
- the use of unmanned aircraft systems in the fight against threats to critical infrastructure and public places.
More specifically, the twenty-eight (28) senior and mid-level officials from the Armed Forces, Gendarmerie and National Police of Togo attending this course gained a better understanding about the threat posed by UAS to critical infrastructure and ¡°soft targets¡±/public places, the support available via the UN system, and ways of improving the national protection system.
The event was opened by Ms. Fatoumata Diallo, Resident Representative and Coordinator of the United Nations in Togo; Division Commissioner Tchendo of Togo¡¯s Ministry of Public Security; and Mr. Paolo Salvia, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation in Togo.
During the first part of the workshop, experts from UNOCT, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), and the United Nations Global Service Centre (UNGSC) shared international good practices, case studies and useful tools¡ªsuch as the UNOCT Technical Guide on UAS and vulnerable targets, and the UNOCT-CAR Global Report on the Acquisition, Weaponization, and Deployment of UAS by non-state actors for terrorism-related purposes.
The second part of the workshop featured presentations related to the possible use of UAS by security forces, terrorist or criminal groups, and the development of related national strategies.
The workshop also included a table-top exercise and consultations to identify Togo's further priorities and needs in the area of UAS and vulnerable targets protection.
This workshop was organized by the UNOCT Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats against Vulnerable Targets and the EU-UN Global Terrorism Threats Facility, in collaboration with the UNOCT Global Counter-Terrorism Programme on Autonomous and Remotely Operated Systems (AROS Programme). It was generously funded by the European Union, through the EU-UN Global Terrorism Threats Facility.
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Timeline of the cooperation between Togo and the UNOCT Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats against Vulnerable Targets
- Initial engagement based on broader counter-terrorism cooperation and CTED recommendations, beginning of 2022.
- First stage of the assistance: further to several coordination meetings, in-depth consultations were held in Lom¨¦, in April 2022.
- Second stage of the assistance: as a result of the consultations mentioned above, the Programme supported the development of Togo¡¯s National Action Plan (or ¡°Roadmap¡±) on the Protection of Vulnerable Targets.
- Third stage of the assistance: in 2022 and 2023 the Programme delivered four tailored capacity-building activities to support the implementation of the roadmap for over 120 Togolese officials from relevant ministries and agencies, in workshops, train-the-trainers and study-tour formats.
- In 2023, start of cooperation between the Global Programme and the EU-UN Global Terrorism Threats Facility to implement a support package aimed at supporting the Togolese authorities in drafting a protection and intervention plan for a vulnerable target, and planning a real-life exercise to test this plan.