
The Appeal

UNOCT's 2021-2022 Multi-Year-Appeal

A child walks in Al Hol camp in north-east Syria where more than 90 per cent of the people are women and children. Photo: OCHA/Hedinn Halldorsson

United Nations Multi-Year Appeal for Counter-Terrorism

The United Nations Multi-Year Appeal for Counter-Terrorism is a tool to coordinate the United Nations¡¯ resource mobilization and outreach efforts to secure sustainable and predictable funding for agile and concerted multilateral counter-terrorism responses required to effectively respond to the complex and the continually evolving threat of terrorism and violent extremism.

On 29th June 2021 - as part of the side events organized during the 2021 Counter-Terrorism Week - UNOCT, CTED and UNODC as co-chairs of the Resource Mobilization and Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact will launch the new 2021-2022 United Nations Multi-Year Appeal for Counter-Terrorism. The appeal seeks funding to support the priorities of Member States in preventing and countering violent extremism, countering the financing of terrorism, the use of artificial intelligence to counter-terrorism, criminal justice responses, border security management and support to the victims of terrorism, with a strong focus on gender and human rights. It includes more than 50 projects and programmes from entities of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact (including CTED, IMO, INTERPOL, IOM, OHCHR, UNDP, UNICEF, UNICRI, UNOCT, UNODC and UN Women.

Built as an interactive digital tool, the new Multi-Year Appeal for 2021-2022 will facilitate a dynamic user experience for interested Member States and potential donors and allow them to search by country, region, thematic priority or implementing partner.

The Multi-Year Appeal for 2019-2020 marked the first time the United Nations presented a single appeal to support global, regional and national initiatives to combat terrorism and prevent violence extremism. It represented a crucial step towards a coherent assessment of the United Nations funding needs to implement the four pillars of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. 

For more information, please contact ct-mya@un.org

Launch Event

On Tuesday, 29 June, at 8:00 Eastern time, UNOCT, CTED and UNODC as co-chairs of the Resource Mobilization and Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact, will launch the 2021-2022 United Nations Multi-Year Appeal for Counter-Terrorism in a virtual side event held on the margins of the 2021 Counter-Terrorism Week. 


Useful Resources