


This field is used differently in retrospective indexing, Please click here if you are doing retrospective indexing.

General notes provide information for which specialized note fields have not been defined. Specialized notes defined in UNBIS are 505, 515, 520, 529, 546, 580, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597 and 599.

More than one General Note may be recorded in repeats of tag 500 fields, in subfield $a. Record multiple notes in the order described below (see Sequence of General Notes). Place a period at the end of each 500 field.

Use AACR2 abbreviations in recording notes, except for text that is directly cited between quotation marks or text following a standard phrase such as At head of title: ..., On t.p. verso: ..., On cover: ... and preceded by a colon space. In those cases, text should be transcribed verbatim except for capitalization and punctuation.

AACR2 abbreviations: cm., ch., ca., corr., Dept., ed., et al., facsim., facsims., fasc., ft., i.e., ill., in., ms., mss., mm., min., misc., no., p., pbk., pt., pts., pref., prelim. rev., sec., s.l., s.n., suppl., t.p., vol., vols.

In addition, abbreviate the word "paragraph" as "para." and "paragraphs" as "paras." and use AACR2 abbreviations for names of months (Jan., Feb., etc.).

Sequence of General Notes

If General Notes concern information in the title, statement of responsibility, edition, material (or type of publication) specific details, publication, physical description, and series areas, record the Notes in the order in which they appear in those areas.

Certain types of General Notes are recorded after all other General Notes in a bibliographic record, in the following sequence [this sequence corresponds to MARC21 specialized note tags 504, 515 and 530]:
Notes about bibliographical references; notes about peculiarities of numbering or publishing (for UN documents, peculiarities regarding presence or location of document symbols and sales numbers on the item are recorded in tag 500; peculiarities notes for corrigenda are recorded in tag 515 ); notes about other physical formats of the item described.

Example showing sequence of General Notes in a bibliographic record:

    500 $a At head of title: UNDP ; International Development Resource Centre.
    500 $a Editor: Yusuf J. Ahmad.
    500 $a French ed. published: Paris : Economica, 2003.
    500 $a Human development indicators: p. [150]-176.
    500 $a Includes bibliographical references (p. 180-192).
    500 $a UN Sales no. not printed.
    500 $a Available also at UNDP website (viewed 20 June 2007).
The following examples show various types of General Notes that might be recorded in the 500 field:
1. Note identifying other editions or physical forms of an item
2. Note providing information about physical characteristics of an item
3. Note supplementing, clarifying or identifying information on the t.p.
4. Note identifying personal, conference or corporate authors not included in the statement of responsibility (245 $c)
5. Note identifying useful information contained in the item
   5.1. Annexes
   5.2. Bibliographies, bibliographical references and indexes
   5.3. Note identifying the presence of UN map(s) in a document
   5.4. Other information

1. Note identifying other editions or physical forms of an item
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Although MARC21 provides for field 530 «Additional Physical Form Available Note», currently in UNBIS this information is recorded in a 500 General Note.


Notes about other editions:
500 $a Also issued under document symbol E/CN.4/ 2003/NGO/151.

500 $a Prelim. ed. to be issued as UN Sales no. 03.II.D.6.

500 $a Also issued in English: E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2002/WP.9.
500 $a Also issued in Spanish: E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2002/WP.10.
[reciprocal note when different language versions of a document are issued under different document symbols]

Notes about other physical formats
(These notes are recorded after all other General Notes present on the bibliographic record):
500 $a Also available on CD-ROM (UN Sales no. 01.VIII.6).

500 $a Available also at UNCTAD website (viewed 20 June 2007).
[and provide link to address for electronic resource in field 856]

2. Note providing information about physical characteristics of an item
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500 $a Accompanied by CD-ROM.

500 $a Folded map inserted.

500 $a Six tables on 3 folded leaves in pocket.

500 $a Consists of 4 separate pamphlets.

500 $a Issued in portfolio.

500 $a Consists of statistical tables.

3. Note supplementing, clarifying or identifying information on the t.p.
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(See also 515 Numbering Peculiarities Note for corrective notes).


245 10 $a Report of the 3rd meeting : $b Economic Commission for Europe, Working Group on Genetically Modified Organisms
500 $a Meeting held in Geneva, 17-19 July 2002.

245 10 $a Provisional agenda : $b Trade and Development Board, Working Party on the Medium-Term Plan and the Programme Budget, 14th session, Geneva, 30 November 2001
500 $a Meeting dates changed to: 3-5 Feb. 2002.

245 10 $a ECE operational activities : $b rethinking the strategy : note
500 $a Title on item: ECE operational activities : note.
515 $a Title corrected by: E/ECE/1376/Corr.1.

191 $a E/CN.4/AC.45/1994/3
500 $a Document symbol on item: E/CN.4/AC.45/1994/1.
515 $a Document symbol corrected by: E/CN.4/AC.45/1994/3/Corr.1.

191 $a UNEP/DEIA/AR.96.2
500 $a Also bears the symbol WHO/EOS 95.7.

245 10 $a European Agreement Supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic done at Geneva on 1 May 1971. Amendment 2
500 $a "Amendments which entered into force on 27 January 2001".

260 $a New York : $b UN, $c 1999
500 $a Japanese ed. published: Tokyo : Haro Shobo Publishing, 2000.

500 $a On cover: World Campaign for Human Rights.

245 10 $a Berlin Ministerial Declaration : $b a society for all ages
500 $a Adopted at the ECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing, 11-13 Sept. 2002, Berlin.

For UN documents and publications, notes concerning the presence or location of document symbols, or sales numbers on the item should be recorded after all other General Notes (with the exception of notes about other physical forms of the item, which are always recorded last). This applies to the following types of notes:

500 $a Document symbol from back cover.
500 $a Document symbol not printed.
500 $a UN sales no. not printed.
500 $a Erroneous document symbol on p. 2-13: TRANS/WP.30/2003/11.
500 $a Erroneous document symbol on French ed.: E/CN.4/2005/SR.18.

When an error in a document symbol is corrected by a corrigendum, the corrigendum note is recorded in tag 515 Numbering Peculiarities Note:

515 $a Corrects document symbol to: [E/ECE/]MP.EIA/2001/17.
515 $a Document symbol corrected by: [E/ECE/]ENVWA/2/Corr.1.

Sometimes the print version of a document is issued with obviously erroneous data appearing on the title page that is not corrected by a corrigendum to the document but instead is directly corrected on the electronic version appearing in the Official Document System (ODS). In that case, record the correct data in the appropriate tags and add a note identifying the erroneous data that appears on the print version:

191 $a CAT/C/ECU/Q/4/CRP.1
500 $a Erroneous document symbol on print ed.: CAT/C/ECU/4/Q/CRP.1.
[Document symbol on printed document is erroneous, but it is correct on the electronic version of the document]

See also Errors in Document Symbols for notes in cases of errors in document symbols. 

Notes concerning the presence or location of job numbers on UN documents are recorded in tag 596 Local UNBIS Note:

596 $a No job no.

029 $a JN $b G0826593
596 $a Erroneous job no. on print ed.: G0926593.
[Job no. on printed document is erroneous, but it is correct on the electronic version of the document]

Record a note «Letter of transmittal only» or «Note of transmittal only» when a note or letter transmits a report or other submission, but does not actually contain the transmitted report or submission.

245 10 $a Letter dated 2002/12/11 from the Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the Central African Republic to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
500 $a Letter of transmittal only.
520 $a Transmits communication from the Prime Minister and Head of Government, documents annexes and a videocassette on the events of the armed coup which took place 25-30 Oct. 2002.

4. Note identifying personal, conference or corporate authors not included in the statement of responsibility (245 $c)
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When statements of responsibility are not present in the title area of a work and are not recorded in tag 245, but are found elsewhere on the item, add a General Note (tag 500) identifying the person, corporate or conference entity responsible (or sharing responsibility) for the content (or significant partial content) of the work, and assign the authority-controlled names as added personal, corporate or conference entries (tags 700, 710 or 711).


500 $a Prepared by Zeljka Kozul-Wright in collaboration with Nicole Foga and Masani Montague.
[and add 700 personal names]

500 $a "Rédigé par Georges Affaki".
[and add 700 personal name]

500 $a "A special report of IPCC Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change".
[and add 710 corp. name]

500 $a Consists of papers from UN University Conference "On the Threshold of the New Millennium" held in Tokyo, 19-21 Jan. 2000.
[and add 711 conf. name]

500 $a "Published entirely on the responsibility of the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe".
[and add 710 corp. name]

500 $a Published under the auspices of the UNCTAD Technical Cooperation Project on Market Access, Trade Laws and Preferences.
[and add 710 corp. name]

500 $a "Annex: The Santa Cruz Declaration : 8th International Conference of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 24-26 October 2006": p. 21-25.

[and add 711 conf. name]


500 $a "Annex: Report of the Association of Caribbean States": p. 11-25.
[and add 710 corp. name]


500 $a Transmits General Assembly resolution 1775(XVII) adopted on 7 Dec. 1962.
[and add 710 corp. name]

When names are recorded in notes following a standard phrase and preceded by a colon (e.g.: At head of title: …, On t.p.verso: …, On cover: …) or when names are cited between quotation marks, transcribe them as they appear on the item except for standardized capitalization and punctuation. When a name transcribed as it appears on the item is followed by the name of a subsidiary entity, precede the name of the subsidiary body by a comma:  

500 $a At head of title: Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Environmental Policy.
[and add 710 corp. name]

When several names are transcribed as they appear on the item, with no linking words between them, separate them by a space, semi-colon, space:

500 $a At head of title: Economic Commission for Europe ; Food and Agriculture Organization.
[and add 710 corp. name]

When names are identified in free text notes, standard abbreviations and acronyms may be used (e.g.: UN, UNCTAD, Dept.).

Names in note fields should be capitalized as they are capitalized in Name Authority Records.

A common type of UN document consists of a report or note by the UN Secretary-General or Secretariat transmitting information, comments or replies received from Governments, UN bodies and agencies, intergovernmental and/or non-governmental organizations. Since they do not appear in the statement of responsibility recorded in tag 245 $c, add a general note (tag 500) as shown in the following examples and assign the authority-controlled corporate names in repeats of tag 710. In general, if there is a single respondent, specify the name of the Government or organization. Optionally, if there is more than one respondent (but preferably fewer than 4) the individual respondents may be specified in the note. The number of respondents may be specified in the note (optional).


500 $a Transmits information received from Governments.

500 $a Transmits replies received from Member States.

500 $a Transmits information received from Lebanon and Mexico.

500 $a Transmits information received from Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

500 $a Transmits replies received from Governments and from organs and agencies of the UN System, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 61/11.

500 $a Transmits comment by the European Lawyers' Union.

500 $a Transmits information received from 6 Governments and 2 non-governmental organizations.

500 $a Transmits replies received from Brazil, Pakistan, UNCTAD, and 8 non-governmental organizations.

500 $a Transmits comments received from Governments, UN bodies, specialized agencies and intergovernmental organizations.

500 $a Transmits information received from Unesco and 3 non-governmental organizations.
[In each of the above examples, the appropriate corporate name entries are assigned in tag 710]

If a document summarizes replies or information received from Governments etc., but does not actually contain the text of the replies, the note in tag 500 should begin with the word Summarizes instead of the word Transmits, and the names are not assigned as added corporate entries (tag 710). Names of organizations may be assigned as corporate subject entries (tag 610) and Governments may be assigned as geographic subject terms (tag 650) if the document provides information about their policies or activities.


245 10 $a Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : $b report of the Secretary-General

500 $a Summarizes replies received from 7 Governments.

650 17 $a SANCTIONS

650 17 $a HUMAN RIGHTS


650 27 $a ALBANIA

650 27 $a ALGERIA


710 2_ $a UN. Secretary-General


If a note indicating responsibility for document contents summarizes the specific subject or content of transmitted information, record it in a Summary/Annotation Note (tag 520) instead of in tag 500:

Example 1:

245 10 $a Letter dated 2007/05/16 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Security Council

520 $a Transmits letter dated 15 May 2007 from the President of Lebanon refuting statements made by the Prime Minister of Lebanon concerning the establishment of Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

710 2_ $a UN. Secretary-General

710 1_ $a Lebanon. President


Example 2:

245 10 $a Development of provisions on the facilitation of international road transport (R.E.4) : $b note / $c by the Secretariat

520 $a Transmits memorandum on international regular services by buses and coaches adopted by the International Road Transport Union on 26 Nov. 2003.

710 2_ $a UN. ECE. Secretariat

710 2_ $a International Road Transport Union

5. Note identifying useful information contained in the item
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This type of note identifies information included in the item, such as annexes, source materials, bibliographies, indexes, glossaries, questionnaires, etc. The main contents of the item are recorded in a formatted 505 Contents Note, or described in a 520 Summary Note.

5.1. Annexes
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In recording a single Annex title, use the following format, with punctuation and spacing exactly as shown in the example below:

245 10 $a Measurements and modelling : $b progress report
500 $a "Annex: Uncertainty treatment in integrated assessment modelling : conclusions from a Workshop held at IIASA in Laxenburg (Austria), 24-25 January 2002": p. 16-20.
[In this example, also add 089 Content Code A16, 611 Conf. Subject and 711 Conf. Name]

In recording multiple Annex titles, use the following format:

245 10 $a Activities of the ECE in support of the UN initiative for information and communication technology for development
500 $a Annexes (p. 3-23): 1. Note on the development of an ICT strategy for the UN/ECE -- 2. ECE ICT Task Force -- 3. United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN) -- 4. Expansion of Internet : a drive to make statistics more available.
[In recording multiple Annex titles, the formatting is similar to that used in 505 Contents Note]

5.2. Bibliographies, bibliographical references and indexes

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Although MARC 21 provides for field 504 to be used for bibliographical references, currently in UNBIS this information is recorded in field 500. In case of multiple 500 Notes, the Note about bibliographical references is recorded after other Notes with the exception of notes about numbering peculiarities and notes about other physical forms of an item (See Sequence of Notes).

Current cataloguing practice is to use a generic note «Includes bibliographical references», so that a distinction is no longer made between «bibliography» and «bibliographical references».

If bibliographical references to sources used to prepare the publication appear throughout the text, then use the following note:

500 $a Includes bibliographical references.

If there is a single listing of bibliographical references; or if the document includes a single bibliography; or if the document includes a single bibliography as well as brief citations elsewhere that cite publications listed in the bibliography, then indicate the page numbers between parentheses. The page number is recorded between brackets if it does not actually appear on the page:

500 $a Includes bibliographical references (p. [20]-27).

If a bibliography bears a distinctive title, it may be cited in the note instead of using the phrase «Includes bibliographical references»:

500 $a "Bibliography of TCM information sources with international coverage": p. 461-463.
500 $a "Selected UNCTAD publications on transnational corporations and foreign direct investment": p. 53-63.

«Endnotes» may appear at the end of each chapter or at the end of the work. If the endnotes include bibliographical references, use the phrase «Includes bibliographical references». If a work has endnotes at the end of each chapter or at the end of the work, and in addition there is a section of formal bibliographical references at the end of the work, the note may be formulated:

500 $a Includes chapter endnotes and bibliographical references (p. 35-40).

If the publication includes both bibliographical references and an index or glossary, record the index or glossary as part of the bibliographical references note:

500 $a Includes bibliographical references (p. 150-154) and index.
500 $a Includes bibliographical references (p. [195]-196), glossary and index.

Record indexes as shown when bibliographical references are not present:

500 $a Includes index.
500 $a Includes author and title indexes.
500 $a Includes glossary and index.

5.3 Note identifying the presence of UN map(s) in a document

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Record official UN maps in documents as shown:

500 $a Includes#UN map no. 3707 rev.5: Sudan#(Sept. 2000).

500 $a Includes#UN map no. 3281.1X: Bolivia: areas affected by natural disasters in 1982-1983#(Sept. 1984);#UN map no. 3281.2X: Ecuador: areas affected by floods in 1982-1983#(Sept. 1984).

[also add 089 Content Code B11, and Primary Subject 650 MAPS linked to geographic subject.]

5.4. Other information
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Record the presence of other useful or important information such as glossaries, questionnaires, model forms, declarations, laws and other source materials, etc.


245 10 $a United Nations Latin American and Caribbean Meeting on the Question of Palestine, Havana, 12 to 14 June 2001
500 $a "Havana Declaration" adopted on 14 June 2001: p. 21-22.
[also add 089 Type of Material Code A20]

245 10 $a Information notice : $b Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Energy, 6th session, 6-8 November 2002
500 $a Includes registration form.

245 10 $a Gender integration into the human rights system : $b report of the Workshop, United Nations Office at Geneva, 26 to 28 May 1999
500 $a Recommendations adopted by the Workshop: p. 5-15.

245 10 $a Programme of work for 2003-2006 : $b Economic Commission for Europe, Timber Committee
500 $a Includes terms of reference of FAO/ECE Teams of Specialists.

500 $a "Glossary of non-tariff measures": p. 21-22.

245 10 $a ICC Incoterms 2000 : $b report of the Secretary-General
500 $a Includes letter of the Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce requesting endorsement of INCOTERMS 2000 by the UN Commission on International Trade Law, and the original text in English of the ICC INCOTERMS 2000.

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 29 June 2009