
New Partnerships for Digital Education

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address core development issues including education. A panel discussion hosted by the International Peace Institute (IPI) and the Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDGF), identified education as a key driver for social change and poverty eradication.  Four speakers, including Paloma Duran, Director of the SDGF; Cesar Alierta, President of Foundation Telefonica; Madhavi Ashok, Senior Advisor of UN Partnerships at UNICEF and Anthony Bosah, Charge d'Affaires of Nigeria to the UN, discussed that in this modern era with high technology proliferation, innovation in education is a critical element for the realization of the Global Goals. They agreed that digital education is an effective tool that should be adopted in every country's education system. Digital education is the process of facilitating a learning session with the aid of digital content and platforms. 

UN urges renewed fight to end female genital mutilation as populations grow where practice occurs

6 February 2017 – Female genital mutilation denies women and girls their dignity and causes needless pain and suffering, with consequences that endure for a lifetime and can even be fatal, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has said, stressing that the UN Sustainable Development Agenda promises an end to this practice by 2030.

Early cancer diagnosis, better trained medics can save lives and money – UN

3 February 2017 - Early cancer diagnosis saves lives and cuts treatment costs, the United Nations health agency today said, particularly in developing countries where the majority of cancer cases are diagnosed too late.


The United Nations (UN) does great things all around the world and would like to make them known to the global pubic. For that reason, the UN wishes to know how you find out about news and information that matters to you, your preferred social media channels and what makes you share information with your networks as well as what you would like to see on its social media accounts.

Please fill out this brief by 14 February 2017 so that the UN can learn how to engage with you and audiences around the world.

Announcing of Prevention Forum- Media and Information Literacy: Educational Strategies for the Prevention of Violent Extremism

You are warmly invited to attend the 'Prevention Forum' discussion series on 9 February 2017 from 3pm to 6pm at the United Nations Headquarters. The forum is co-organised by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations' (UNAOC) Media and Information Literacy programme and United Nations Academic Impact's (UNAI) Unlearning Intolerance' programme, under the theme - 'Media and Information Literacy: Educational Strategies for the Prevention of Violent Extremism'.

The event will also be an occasion for the presentation of the recently published United Nations Alliance of Civilizations - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Nordic Documentation Center for Mass Communication Research (UNAOC-UNESCO-NORDICOM) publication 'Opportunities for Media and Information Literacy in the Middle East and North Africa'.

The event will feature the following speakers:

At Youth Forum, UN calls on young people to help realize a better future for all

30 January 2017 – Drawing attention challenges such as climate change, unemployment and inequality, confronting young people around the world, including in places where peace prevails, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today called for the youth to speak up and share their stories.

Tell us how the United Nations can see the world from your perspective – and answer your concerns, said Mr. Guterres in a video message to representatives gathered at UN Headquarters in New York for the sixth annual Youth Forum.

According to estimates, about 74 million young people around the world cannot find a job, many youth are driven from their homes due to conflicts, and, in places where there is peace, they suffer violence and discrimination.

Honouring Holocaust victims, UN chief Guterres pledges to battle anti-Semitism, all forms of hatred

 The world has a duty to remember that the Holocaust was a systematic attempt to eliminate the Jewish people and so many others, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said today, noting that building a future of dignity and equality for all will honour the victims of this incomparable tragedy in human history […] who we will never allow to be forgotten.

Marking the International Day of , Mr. Guterres said in video message that it would be a dangerous error to think of the Holocaust as simply the result of the insanity of a group of criminal Nazis.

Announcing of Many Languages, One World® Contest 2017

ELS Educational Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the fourth year of sponsorship, in conjunction with the United Nations Academic Impact, of the Many Languages, One World® Student Essay Contest and Global Youth Forum for 2017. This year welcomes Northeastern University as the host of the Many Languages, One World Global Youth Forum and the sponsor and organizer of the Northeastern University Global Youth Conference. The contest will qualify contestants for the opportunity to win a trip to participate in the Global Youth Forum, present their ideas in the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations in New York City, NY followed by the Northeastern University Global Youth Conference in Boston, MA.

At talks in Astana, UN envoy on Syria urges mechanism to oversee ceasefire

23 January 2017- International talks to extend the ceasefire in Syria started today in the Kazakh capital of Astana, with the United Nations Special Envoy said the ceasefire can be solidified if a mechanism to oversee and implement it is created.

''The chances of success will be greater if the parties here are able to agree on a mechanism to oversee and implement nationwide ceasefire. A mechanism to oversee and implement a nationwide ceasefire,'' said&nbspStaffan de Mistura. ''We didn't have it in the past, that's the reason why often we failed.''

He encouraged the guarantors of the ceasefire to create a mechanism to implement the consolidation and de-confliction ceasefire measures, and ''to see what else can be done to build confidence.''

2017 ECOSOC Youth Forum-Regional Breakout Session: Africa's Youth On The Rise! Harnessing Africa's Youth Dividend To Achieve Prosperity For All

You are cordially invited to participate in the upcoming interactive Regional Breakout Session on Africa during the 2017 Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum on the 30 - 31 January 2017 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The theme for this year's session is Africa's Youth on the Rise! Harnessing Africa's Youth Dividend to Achieve Prosperity for All.

55th Geneva Graduate Study Programme On Climate Change, Migration and Violent Extremism: The United Nations' Role In Preventing Conflicts Spurred By The Challenges Of Our Time

°Őłó±đĚý55th Graduate Study Programme will be held at the United Nations Office in Geneva from 3 to 14 July 2017. This year's theme is: Climate Change, Migration, Violent Extremism: The United Nations' Role in Preventing Conflicts Spurred by The Challenges of Our Time. It will comprise lectures and panel discussions given by senior officials and experts of the United Nations and the Geneva-based specialized agencies.

As part of the United Nations outreach programmes, this annual two week Graduate Study Programme is organized by United Nations Information Service in Geneva at the Palais des Nations for a group of qualified post-graduate students from all over the world.

The Programme which is conducted in English and French without translations, provides an opportunity for outstanding postgraduate students to deepen their understanding of the principles, purposes and activities of the United Nations in relation to this year's theme.

Deadline Extension: Call For Proposals – African Peacebuilding Network now extended to 27TH January 2017!

The African Peacebuilding Network (APN) of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) announces the 27th January 2017 deadline extension for grant applications from African researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners working on conflict and peacebuilding issues at universities and research institutions or regional governmental and nongovernmental organizations in Africa.

At Davos forum, UN chief Guterres calls businesses 'best allies' to curb climate change, poverty

20 January 2017 – Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for a new generation of partnerships with the business community to limit the impact of climate change and to reduce poverty.

In an address this morning to a special session on cooperation for peace, the Secretary-General said he was particularly interested in the alignment of the core business of the private sector with the strategic goals of the international community.

Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG): Call for Papers on Postcolonial Theory and the Reinterpretation of 'Natural' Disasters

In view of the next annual Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) international conference to be held in London between  29th of August and  1st of September 2017, the RGS-IBG invites scholars to contribute empirical, as well as conceptual papers that apply postcolonial theory to explore ideas around but not limited to:

UNAI Digital Discussion Series with Homeward Bound Expedition Female Scientists

As part of its Digital Discussion Series, United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is carrying out a series of interviews with top female scientists who took part in the Homeward Bound Expedition to Antarctica in December 2016- including Carol Devine, Holly North, Lauren DuBois, Phoebe Barnard, Cristina Venables, Meredith Nash and Denise Hardesty.

The 20-day voyage, Homeward Bound, was the first of its kind to the Antarctic. Its principal purpose was to elevate the leadership role of women in science, especially in the areas of sustainability and climate change, and to eventually have more women with a seat at the table of some of the most important decision-making tables in science and science policy, globally.