

UNFF6 Bureau

UNFF6 Bureau meeting minutes: 17 February 2006: UNFF Bureau & ECOSOC Bureau | 13 February 2006 | 26 January 2006 | 28 – 29 November 2005 | 1 November 2005 | 5 October 2005

Country Member Contact Person in New York
Croatia Mr Tono Kruzic
Head of Forest Protection Department
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Ulica grada Vukovara 78
Zagreb 10000, Croatia
Tel: + 385 1 610 6618; +385 98 335 471
Fax: + 385 1 610 9203
Email: tono.kruzic@zg.t-com.hr  
Ms. Irena Zubcevic
Minister Plenipotentiary
Permanent Mission of Croatia to the United Nations
820 Second Avenue, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 1 212 988-1585
Fax: 1 212 986-2011
Email: irena.zubcevic@mvp.hr
Kenya H.E. Prof. Judith Mbula Bahemuka Ambassador/Permanent Representative
Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations
66 UN Plaza Suite 486
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: 1 212 421 4741-4
Fax: 1 212 486 1985
Email: Kenya@un.int
Mr. Fredrick L. Matwang’a
Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations
866 UN Plaza, Room 304
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: 1 212 421-4741; 1 212 421-4744;
Cell 1 646 331-6978
Fax: 1 212 486-1985
Email: fredmatwanga@yahoo.com
Switzerland Dr. Franz Xaver Perrez Head of Section Global Affairs
International Affairs Division
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
Tel: +41 31 322 9308
Fax: +41 31 323 0349
Email: franz.perrez@buwal.admin.ch
Lebanon Mr. Majdi Ramadan Counselor
Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 531
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: +1 212 355 5460
Fax: +1 212 838 2819
Email: majdi@nyct.net
Peru Mr. José Antonio Doig Counselor
Permanent Mission of Peru to the United Nations 820 Second Avenue, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10017
USA Tel: +1 212 937 0560
Email: jdoig@onuper.rree.gob.pe