
Civil Society - Participants and events

Civil society organizations, including Women, Children and Youth, Indigenous Peoples, Non-Governmental Organizations, Local Authorities, Workers and Trade unions, Business and Industry, Scientific and Technological Community, Farmers, from LDCs and other countries across all the  activities of the track. Civil Society organizations in consultative status to ECOSOC or accredited to the Conference and its preparatory process will be eligible to participate at the Civil Society Forum. 



Fifth UN Conference on the LDCs
The Civil Society Forum will start the day before of the beginning of the Conference and end one day before the end of the Conference.  

Africa Regional Review Meeting
CSOs from African LDCs and other countries will participate in panels and during interactive dialogues 

Asia-Pacific Region Meeting
CSOs from LDCs in Asia and the Pacific and other countries will participate in panels and during interactive dialogues 

First Inter-governmental Preparatory Committee
All thematic panels will have civil society representatives. The Co-Chairs will also hold a consultation with CSOs. 

Special Event organization by the President of General Assembly and the ECOSOC 

Second Inter-governmental Preparatory Committee 
A dedicated dialogue of civil society organizations and Member States will discuss key priorities for the next Programme of Action. 

Thematic side events organized by UN agencies and Member States