
Preparatory Committee Organisational Session

Date: New York, 8 February 2021

Venue: United Nations Headquarters, New York




The organisational session of the Preparatory Committee for LDC5 will be convened on 8 February 2021 at United Nations Headquarters in New York, pursuant to paragraph 49 of GA resolution . The Preparatory Committee will elect its bureau, agree on its agenda and other organizational matters, and discuss substantive preparations for the Conference.  

1. Election of the Co-Chairs

The organisational session of the Preparatory Committee will be opened by Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa ¡®Utoikamanu, Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, and Secretary-General of LDC5, who will preside over the meeting until the election of the Co-Chairs of the Preparatory Committee.

2. Adoption of the agenda of the organisational session.

The of the organisational session has been drawn up by the Secretariat in keeping with traditional practice

3. Election of officers of the Bureau

Following consultations with regional coordinators and in accordance with GA resolution , the bureau of the Preparatory Committee should be composed of 10 members, namely the two Co-Chairs and eight Vice-Chairs; with account being taken of the need to ensure equitable geographical distribution. Furthermore, Qatar, as the host country of the Conference, and Malawi as the Chair of the LDC Group, should be fully associated with the work of the bureau as ex officio members.

4. Adoption of the agenda of the Preparatory Committee and other organisational matters

The Preparatory Committee, at its organisational session, may wish to adopt the agenda for its substantive sessions and take decisions concerning the organization of its work. Decisions may include the rules of procedure to be applied to the work of the Preparatory Committee and a possible decision to permit the adoption of decisions by silence procedure in the case that the Preparatory Committee is unable to convene in-person meetings.

5. Organisational preparations for the Conference

The Preparatory Committee is expected to consider the organisational and substantive preparations for the Conference.

Qatar, in its capacity as host country of the Conference, will provide a briefing on the status of preparations for the Conference.

6. General statements

The list of speakers for the general statements (agenda item 6) at the organizational session of the Preparatory Committee to be held on Monday, 8 February, is now open through the following form: .

Statements should be limited to seven minutes for delegations speaking on behalf of a group of States and to five minutes for individual statements. Statements will be delivered at the morning meeting and will continue in the afternoon if needed.

Delegations should indicate on the form whether they wish to deliver their general statements at the organizational session in person, by pre-recorded video displayed in the room or virtually (live), and/or submit their statement in writing.

Delegations opting to deliver their statements by pre-recorded video or virtually (live) should confirm the request through their inscription in the form by 6 p.m. on Tuesday, 2 February. Requests to submit a pre-recorded video or deliver a general statement virtually (live) that are received after 6 p.m. on 2 February cannot be accommodated for technical reasons.

Delegations delivering their statements in-person should inscribe by 6 p.m. on Thursday, 4 February.

Delegations who have indicated their preference to submit a pre-recorded video in their inscription through the form will be provided with a dedicated link to upload the video file. The video file should be uploaded on Wednesday, 3 February, or as soon as possible after receiving the link from the Secretariat via email in order to ensure that technical arrangements are completed to display the video at the organizational session. Delegations will also be asked to share the contact information of the technical focal point at their mission. Video files received must adhere to the time limits of seven minutes for delegations speaking on behalf of a group of States and to five minutes for individual statements.
Regarding video file specifications, standard video file formats (.MOV, MPEG-4) are acceptable with HD resolution of 1920x1080 or 1280x720pixels in an aspect ratio of 16:9.

Delegations who have chosen to deliver their statements virtually (live) in their inscription on the form will receive instructions and guidance from the Secretariat via email regarding how to connect to the platform.

All delegations delivering statements in the organizational session including those submitting a pre-recorded video or joining virtually (live) need to submit a written text of their statement (preferably in Microsoft Word, as well as in PDF format) by email to estatements@un.org well in advance of the meeting but no later than two hours before delivery.


7. Other business