
Organizational Chart

UNDSS structure at glance

The structure of UNDSS is meticulously organized to efficiently address the complex security challenges faced in various operational environments. UNDSS is headed by an Under-Secretary-General who is deputized by an Assistant-Secretary General. The department is divided into four main sections namely, the Office of the Under-Secretary-General which includes the Front Office and the Strategic Planning Service (Strategic Planning and Enterprise Risk Management, Strategic Communications, Compliance, Evaluation and Monitoring, and Gender Equality and Inclusivity). The Office of the Assistant-Secretary General has an Executive Office (Human Resources, Budget and Finance, Logistics, and General Administration) and a Division of Partnerships and Specialized Support (Office of the Director, Resource Mobilization, Strategic Partnerships, and Policy, Information Management, Business Transformation, Training and Development, Physical Security, Protection Coordination and Critical Incident Stress Management. The other division is the Division of Field Operations which constitutes the Office of the Director, Threat and Risk Assessment Service, Communications Centre, Emergency Response Unit, Operational Resilience Service, Peacekeeping Operations Support and Regional Sections and lastly, Division of Security and Safety Services which constitutes the Office of the Director, Security for Special Events, Security and Safety Services for HQ offices away from HQs, regional commissions and International Tribunals.

View the organizational chart below.

A chart showing how UNDSS is organized

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