

A group photo with many people standing in rows
UN Secretary-General, AntĂłnio Guterres takes a group photo with Chief Executive Board Members UNDSS / Chris Kariyo

UNSMS Policies: How Policies are Developed

Security policies are initiated, developed and reviewed by the Inter-Agency Security Management Network (IASMN), a specialized network of the High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM). The Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security chairs the IASMN, composed of the senior security managers of all organizations represented in the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS). Following the IASMN’s consideration and approval of security policies, the HLCM either approves or decides on the IASMN’s recommendation directly or recommends the endorsement of the UNSMS policies for the Chief Executives Board for Coordination's (CEB) approval. Policies are circulated after being approved by the HLCM/CEB. Therefore, they are UN system-wide policies endorsed at the highest level of the United Nations system. We usually refer to these policies as “UNSMS policies”.


The Applicability Policy

This policy identifies those who fall under the scope of the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS) and are covered by United Nations security arrangements.


The Programme Criticality Framework

This is a mandatory policy of the Organization endorsed by the High Level Committee on Management (HLCM) and the Policy Committee. Its application is crucial to ensure integrated security decision-making in an area.


The Policy on SRM

The SRM policy outlines the concept and principles which guide all decisions related to security within the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS).


Framework of Accountability

The Framework of Accountability provides details on the various roles, responsibilities and accountability related to security decision making from the Secretary-General to the individual staff member.