2008 Statements
![]() Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, “The situation of rural women: Providing tools for economic empowerment”, DPI Weekly briefing to NGOs associated with DPI, United Nations, New York, 16 October 2008 Introductory remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director of the Division for the Advancement of Women, "Panel discussion to mark the first observance of the International Day of Rural Women", United Nations Headquarters, New York 15 October 2008 Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, "Annual Awards Luncheon National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs", United Nations, 13 October 2008 Keynote Presentation on the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director of the Division for the Advancement of Women, On the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the Seneca Falls Declaration, Seneca Falls, 11-12 October 2008 Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, “Good practices to prevent and combat violence against women”, Council of Europe Campaign to Combat Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence, Closing Conference - Strasbourg, France, 10–11 June 2008 Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, “Empowering the Next Generation of Mothers: The Intersection between Gender-based Violence and Female Access to Education”, Briefing organized by the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee and the Senate Democratic Policy Committee - Washington, DC, 9 May 2008 "Mainstreaming Gender Perspectives in National Budgets: An Overview" - Presented by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, at the roundtable on “Gender mainstreaming and gender-responsive budgets”, organized by The Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education (KIGEPE), under the Ministry of Gender Equality - Seoul, Republic of Korea, 25 April 2008 "United Nations Gender Mainstreaming Strategy: Achievements and Challenges" - Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, At the International Symposium on A new Global Trend on Gender Mainstreaming and Its Implications for Women Policies in Korea, Organized by Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI) - Seoul, Republic of Korea, 24 April 2008 Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, At the Conference on Women, Money and Power, “Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women”, Organized by Tempo International - New York, 12 April 2008 "Moving forward on women, gender equality and diabetes" - Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the Expert Group Meeting on Diabetes, Women and Development Organized by the Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH), WHO and the World Diabetes Foundation - New York, 8 April 2008 "Empowerment of Women: the Global Perspective" - presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs, At the international conference: “Empowering Professional Women in the Maritime World”, Organized by the World Maritime University - Malmo, Sweden, 2-4 April 2008 "Financing for Gender Equality: Women in Science, Engineering and Technology" - Parallel event held at the CSW 52, Organized by The National Commission of Women in India, the American Chemical Society, the Women’s Humanitarian Network, UN Studies Program, Columbia University and Indian Young Professionals Network - New York, 5 March 2008 Introductory remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, at the CSW52 parallel event "Women in cities: Policies and mainstreaming strategies", organized by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Foundation of Women and the Family in collaboration with UNHABITAT - 29 February 2008 Opening remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, at the Third International Helvi Sipilä Seminar - New York, 29 February 2008 Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, UN Division for the Advancement of Women, At the parallel event, Investing in Decent Work for Women, Organized by The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Education International (EI), Public Services International (PSI) - New York, 29 February 2008 Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, UN Division for the Advancement of Women At the parallel event FINANCING FOR GENDER EQUALITY: TOOLKIT FOR FOLLOW-UP TO CSW 51, Organized by the NGO Committee on UNICEF, Working Group on Girls, Hardin Room, Church Centre - New York 29 February 2008 Introductory remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, Conversation on women, gender equality and sport, To launch the UN Division for the Advancement of Women publication, “Women 2000 and Beyond: Women, gender equality and sport”, Organized in collaboration with The International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) and WomenSport International (WSI). - United Nations, New York, 28 February 2008 Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, At the parliamentary event organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Division for the Advancement of Women, On the occasion of the 52nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women. - United Nations, New York, 27 February 2008 Opening statement by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, at the opening of the fifty-second session of the Commission on the Status of Women - 25 February 2008 Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, NGO Consultation: CSW 52, ”NGO support to the CSW”,at the New York University - 24 February 2008 Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director of the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, at the New York Soroptimist Lunch - Saturday 9 February 2008 |