

2009 Statements

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the Regional Meeting in preparation for the 15-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, ESCAP, 16-18 November 2009, Bangkok, Thailand

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the High-level Intergovernmental Meeting to Review Regional Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and its Regional and Global Outcomes, ESCAP, 16 November 2009, Bangkok, Thailand

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the Second Conference of European and African Regional and Local Authorities, 6-7 November, Florence, Italy

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the Pre-conference Meeeting "Women in Local Authorities’ Leadership Positions: Approaches to Democracy, Participation, Local Development and Peace", 5 November 2009, Florence, Italy

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the Regional Meeting in preparation for the 15-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, ECE, 2-3 November 2009, Geneva, Switzerland

Introductory Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the Launch of the “World Survey on the Role of Women in Development: Women's control over economic resources and access to financial resources, including microfinance", UNIDO, 30 October 2009, Vienna, Austria

Keynote address by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the Asia Women’s Network Roundtable: “Envisioning gender governance strategies for Asian cities”, 21 October 2009, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Statement by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the Sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly Third Committee, 12 October 2009, United Nations Headquarters, New York

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the UNITAR Course on UN Reform Organized by UNITAR and the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN, 10 September 2009, United Nations Headquarters, New York

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the forty-fourth session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 21 July 2009, United Nations Headquarters, New York

Statement by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the International Working Group on Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics, 13-14 July 2009, United Nations Headquarters, New York

Paper prepared by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, DAW at the International Conference on Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction, 20-22 April 2009, Beijing, China

Opening Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the viewing and discussion of the film “Heroic Girlz” Organized by the Division for the Advancement of Women in collaboration with UNICEF and the Working Group on Girls of the UNICEF NGO Committee , United Nations Headquarters, New York, 6 March 2009

Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the Performance of MIKA, a theatrical production on violence against women, on the occasion of the 53rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 5 March 2009

Statement by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the launch of the Secretary-General’s database on violence against women, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 5 March 2009

Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the IPU annual event at the Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 4 March 2009

Opening Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the Fourth International Helvi Sipilä Seminar, organized by the Finnish UNIFEM Committee, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 4 March 2009

Opening Statement by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 4 March 2009

Opening Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the parallel event on “Local policies and gender governance towards a caring society”, organized by the Seoul Foundation for Women and Family, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 3 March 2009

Opening Address by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the parallel event on “Empowering women through physical activity and sport”, organized by the Division for the Advancement of Women in collaboration with International Working Group on Women and Sport and WomenSport International, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 2 March 2009

Remarks by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the Commonwealth Consultation of National Women’s Machineries, New York, 1 March 2009

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, Division for the Advancement of Women at the NGO Consultation DAY: CSW 53, sponsored by the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, New York University, 1 March 2009

Presentation by Ms Carolyn Hannan, Director, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, Conference on: “Protecting Human Rights. The United Nations - Our Schools” organized by: The Committee on Teaching About the United Nations (CTAUN), United Nations Headquarters, New York, 30 January 2009